July 31, 2014 Dr. Ann-Marie Trammell
BISD Learning Platform
What is the role of the Principal? Review and use data to make instructional decisions for campus continuous improvement as designated in the individual Campus Improvement Plan Review campus data to determine specific campus needs for professional development in the area of literacy Ensure staff participation in district/campus professional development Manage time and resource allocation to maximize learning in the area of ELAR (English Language Arts and Reading as defined by TEA) Conduct regular walkthroughs to monitor the implementation of literacy instruction Provide guidance regarding high-quality effective literacy instruction (including writing) Roles and Responsibilities
What is the role of Teachers? Implement the BISD ELA Framework for Secondary Grades with fidelity Attend and actively participate in professional learning Participate in professional learning communities to design and deliver high quality and effective literacy instruction based on state standards and district directives Follow district curriculum guidelines Maintain an approach to literacy instruction which includes systematic explicit instruction in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and research Maintain writing and reading portfolios and participate in conversation focused on student work in these portfolios in professional learning communities and with students Use ongoing assessment to design instruction to meet individual student needs including high quality instruction and reteaching Use the continuous improvement process to provide students with timely feedback Incorporate instructional best practices for reading and writing Roles and Responsibilities
What is the role of the Students? Develop habits of mind to succeed in school, work and life Use critical thinking, self-assessment and reflection in personal growth as a reader and a writer Participate in collaborative discussions about reading and writing Engage in rich, relevant, and authentic reading and writing experiences Collaborate, communicate and connect through the use of technology where appropriate Chart personal progress and be able to select appropriate strategies for self-improvement Roles and Responsibilities
What Does a BISD Abydos Literacy Classroom Look Like?What Does a BISD Abydos Literacy Classroom Look Like? Teachers Students foster a love-of-language through discussion and interaction with mentor texts read and write daily in class teach grammar through writing process and not in isolation choose their own writing topics whenever possible proudly display student writing on classroom and hallway walls help develop grading rubrics for writing and reading projects read and write with students and share own reading and writing with students conference with teacher often about reading and writing use consistent and common high-level academic vocabulary across grade levels share writing with peers in class and through publication evaluate and asses student writing progress through portfolios read and write outside of class teach writing with an emphasis on process not product explore many different authentic reading and writing genres differentiate writing instruction by product, process, and content discuss reading and writing choices often in class implement Abydos strategies (ie. ratiocination, grouping, clocking, etc.) frequently learn skills, techniques, and habits of effective reading and writing through meaningful and authentic tasks What does this look like in the classroom?
What’s a model?
Workshop Model: Minilesson Work Time Debrief
Based on student needs (data) Sets the tone, expectations, goals Provides the demonstration and guided practice Is not always “mini” Mini Lesson
Must have a strong management system Students must be able to manage themselves and their materials Remember how long a student can stay on task (age +/- 2) Routines are a must/structure Tasks must have been taught, practiced, and completed as a group before they can be done individuals Consider grouping Work Time
How do you group students? Homogeneous Heterogeneous Partners Individual A mix of all Grouping
Considerations: Data Behavior Ability- should the highest be with the lowest always? Language Models Grouping
Start simple: What did you learn? How did it go? What help do you need? Debrief
Dependence Independence To LearnersWith LearnersBy Learners Demon- stration (teacher) Shared Demonstration (teacher) Guided Practice (Student and teacher) Independent Practice (student) Initiates models Thinks aloud Shows HOW Demos Leads Negotiates Suggests Explains Responds acknowledge Applies learning Takes charge Practices Problem solves Approximates Self-corrects Initiates Self monitors Self directs Applies learning Problem solves Confirms Self evaluates Participates with meaning and purpose Handover ResponsibilityHandover Responsibility
DependenceIndependence To LearnersWith LearnersBy Learners Demon- stration (student) Shared Demonstration (student) Guided Practice (teacher) Independent Practice (teacher) Listens Observes May participate on a limited basis Listens Interacts Collaborates Responds Approximates Participates as best he or she can Scaffolds Validates Teaches as necessary Evaluates Observes Encourages Clarifies Affirms Assists as needed Responds Acknowledges Evaluates Sets goals HandoverResponsibilityHandoverResponsibility
Dependence Independence To LearnersWith LearnersBy Learners Demon-stration (instructional context) Shared Demon-stration (instructional context) Guided Practice (instructional context) Independent Practice (instructional context) Reading and writing aloud Shared read aloud Direct/ explicit explanation Shared reading and writing Interactive reading Shared read aloud Guided reading Reciprocal teaching Literature conversations Partner reading/writing Independent reading and writing Informal conferences Partner reading Applied learning Meaningful and purposeful tasks Handover ResponsibilityHandover Responsibility
Organization- classroom set up Materials access Roles and Responsibilities Planning- there has to be a plan for each cycle of the workshop Planning- for independent and group work Routines and structure How do we get it all in?
Independent reading outside of class Meet the academic requirement of the TEKS (grade level requirement) Use holistic scoring (calibrate with both reading and writing teachers) Daily writing (in both reading and writing) Use of process writing 2 pieces through the entire process each six weeks Portfolios 50/50 split of fiction and non fiction Student centered classrooms (Student talk, small groups Expectations for instructional practice
What documents are there to help me? Where do I find them? Let’s look at Forethought