12-1 Chapter 12 The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior 6/1/2016effy rusfian1 Perilaku Konsumen Semester Ganjil 2010/2011 BUDAYA & PERILAKU KONSUMEN
12-2 6/1/20162 Culture The sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to regulate the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. effy rusfian
12-3 6/1/20163 Culture Culture offers order, direction, and guidance in all phases of human problem solving: When to eat, Where to eat, What to eat for each meal, What to serve guests at a dinner party, picnic, or wedding. effy rusfian
12-4 6/1/2016effy rusfian4 Forms of Cultural Learning Formal Learning Informal Learning Technical Learning
12-5 6/1/2016effy rusfian5 Selected Rituals and Associated Artifacts SELECTED RITUALSTYPICAL ARTIFACTS WeddingWhite gown (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue) Birth of childU.S. Savings Bond, silver baby spoon BirthdayCard, present, cake with candles 50th Wedding anniversaryCatered party, card and gift, display of photos of the couple’s life together GraduationPen, U.S. Savings Bond, card, wristwatch Valentine’s DayCandy, card, flowers New Year’s EveChampagne, party, fancy dress ThanksgivingPrepare a turkey meal for family and friends
12-6 6/1/2016effy rusfian6 Nightly Facial Beauty Ritual of a Young Internet Sales Representative 1. I pull my hair back with a headband. 2. I wash my face with tepid water using Dove facial cleanser to remove all makeup. 3. Next, I use a Q-tip with some moisturizer around my eyes to make sure all eye makeup is removed. 4. I apply Dermacil facial cream to my face to heavily moisturize and Clinique Dramatically Different Lotion on my neck and throat. 5. If I have a blemish, I apply Clearasil Treatment to the area to dry it out. 6. Twice weekly (or as necessary) I use Aapri Facial Scrub to remove dry and dead skin. 7. Once a week I apply Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2 with a cotton ball to my face and throat to remove deep down dirt and oils. 8. Once a month I get a professional salon facial to deep clean my pores.
12-7 6/1/2016effy rusfian7 Culture and Advertising Is it the role of advertising to socialize readers on how to dress, decorate their homes, choose wines and food for parties, etc? –Vanity Fair –Martha Stewart Living –Wine Spectator
12-8 6/1/2016effy rusfian8 The Measurement of Culture Content Analysis Consumer Fieldwork Value Measurement Instruments
12-9 6/1/2016effy rusfian9 Content Analysis A method for systematically analyzing the content of verbal and/or pictorial communication. The method is frequently used to determine prevailing social values of a society.
/1/2016effy rusfian10 Field Observation A cultural measurement technique that takes place within a natural environment that focuses on observing behavior (sometimes without the subjects’ awareness).
/1/2016effy rusfian11 Characteristics of Field Observation Takes place within a natural environment Performed sometimes without the subject’s awareness Focuses on observation of behavior
/1/2016effy rusfian12 Participant- Observers Researchers who participate in the environment that they are studying without notifying those who are being observed.
/1/2016effy rusfian13 American Core Values Achievement and success Activity Efficiency and practicality Progress Material comfort Individualism Freedom External conformity Humanitarianism Youthfulness Fitness and health
/1/2016effy rusfian14 Criteria for Value Selection The value must be pervasive. The value must be enduring. The value must be consumer-related.
/1/2016effy rusfian15 “You Are What You Eat”
12-16 Perilaku Konsumen Semester Ganjil 2010/2011 Subcultures and Consumer Behavior
12-17 Subculture A distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society.
12-18 Relationship Between Culture and Subculture Subcultural Traits of Easterners Dominant Cultural Traits of U.S. Citizens Subcultural Traits of Westerners
12-19 Examples of Major Subcultural Categories CATEGORIESEXAMPLES NationalityJamaican, Vietnamese, French ReligionMormon, Baptist, Catholic Geographic regionNortheast, Southwest, Midwestern RacePacific Islander, Native American, Caucasian AgeSenior citizen, teenager, Xers GenderFemale, Male OccupationBus driver, mechanic, engineer Social classLower, middle, upper
12-20 Issues in Studying Hispanic American Subcultures Hispanic Consumer Behavior –Stronger preference for well-established brands –Prefer to shop at smaller stores –Some are shifting food shopping to non-ethnic American-style supermarkets –Youths are more fashion-conscious
12-21 Targeting Hispanic- American Consumers
12-22 Religious Subcultures 200+ organized religious groups in the U.S. Primary organized faiths include: –Protestant denominations –Roman Catholicism –Judaism Consumer Behavior is directly affected by religion in terms of products that are symbolically and ritualistically associated with the celebration of religious holidays
12-23 Regional Subcultures Many regional differences exist in consumption behavior –Westerners have a mug of black coffee –Easterners have a cup of coffee with milk and sugar –White bread is preferred in the South and Midwest –Rye and whole wheat are preferred on the East and West coasts
12-24 Major Racial Subcultures The African-American Consumer –Largest racial minority in U.S. –Purchasing power estimated at $572 billion Asian-American Consumers –Currently about 12 million in size –Estimated at 13 million in 2005 –Gain of 54% since 1990
12-25 Major Age Subcultures Generation X Market Baby Boomer Market Seniors Market Generation Y Market
12-26 Generation Y Born between 1977 and 1994; also called echo boomers and millennium generation
Subsegments of Gen Y Gen Y Adults Gen Y Teens Gen Y Tweens
12-28 Gen Y Adult Appeal
12-29 Generation X Born between 1965 and 1979; post baby boomer segment (also referred to as Xers or busters).
12-30 Baby Boomers Individuals born between 1946 and 1964 (approximately 45% of the adult population).
12-31 Baby Boomers The largest age category alive today Frequently make important consumer purchase decisions Include a small subsegment of trendsetting consumers (yuppies) who influence consumer tastes of other age segments
12-32 Appealing to Baby Boomers’ Sense of Self
12-33 Appealing to Yuppies
12-34 Seniors Generally older consumers. Consist of subcultures, including the 50-plus market and the “elderly consumers” market.
12-35 Three Senior Subsegments The Young-Old (65-74) The Old (75-84) The Old-Old (85 and older)
12-36 Issues in Understanding Sex as a Subculture Sex Roles and Consumer Behavior –Masculine vs. Feminine Traits The Working Woman –Segmentation Issues –Shopping Patterns
12-37 Segmenting the Female Market Four Segments: –Stay-at-Home Housewives –Plan-to-Work Housewives –Just-a-Job Working Women –Career-Oriented Working Women
12-38 tugas Buatlah 5 Indonesian Core Value Sertakan penjelasan dan contoh Waktu 10 menit 6/1/2016effy rusfian38