Maps are a visual representation of the Earth’s surface, drawn to scale and made for a specific purpose. Each unique map projection serves a particular purpose. MAPS
Physical maps show elevation, mountains, rivers, deserts etc…
Political maps show countries, cities, capitals, counties.
Maps designed for a special purpose. Highway maps, population maps, etc… Special purpose maps Map of an area in an advertisement for a person offering hypnosis. Core mfgr. Region and major rail lines in the USA.
Robinson Compromises Polar Areas Hard to see the poles Shows minimal distortion. Used by schools Projection What is distorted Disadvantages Advantages (what is it used for)
Everything is distorted to a degree, no property is distorted too much. Used by schools Edges are rounded Antarctica is the wrong size
Greenland is as large as South America. Note latitude lines get larger. Good for ship navigation. Mercator Projection
Robinson Compromises Polar Areas Hard to see the poles Shows minimal distortion. Used by schools Mercator Areas larger near the poles. Greenland looks as large as South America Shows true direction. Used by ships navigators. Projection What is distorted Disadvantages Advantages (what is it used for) Azimuthal Latitude linesMust have two maps to see the entire globe Used by airlines pilots to plot “great circle routes.”
Used by airline pilots to plot the shortest route for flights. You need two maps to view the entire world. Azimuthal Projection
Three different projections of the USA
Using different projections, determine the shortest route to fly to New York to MoscowNew York to Beijing New York to Cape Town Need two Azimuthal maps to plot New York City to Cape town. Note: since scales are not the same, these are only estimates.