VISION Our vision is a World, Where all children are in school; poverty is eradicated; women are empowered; democracy stems from grassroots; healthcare is for all; and development is sustainable.
HAND IN HAND PROGRAMMES Child Labour Elimination & Education SHG & Microfinance Environment Protection Village Upliftment Program Citizen’s Centres (VKCs) Health & Hygiene Our Mission Integrated Community Development Programme of
Concur with MDGs Our vision, Mission and Work touch the 8 Millennium Development Goals in one or the other respect
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM 445,808 women into 30,700 SHGs covering 7,305 villages through 3,955 Panchayats, across 4 States Economic Assistance to 383,826 members for micro & medium enterprises 921 medium sized enterprises Various Vocational and Enterprise trainings imparted to 18,564 members INR 1,245 million (US $ 26 million approx.) Microfinance to 201,271 members INR 1,024 million (US $ 21.5 million approx.) facilitated as bank loan linkage to 182,555 members Innovation is THE WAY
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Innovation is THE WAY Innovative Micro Finance Products Pregnancy Loan Bicycle Enterprise Loan Vermi Compost Enterprise Loan Staff Retention Programs Incentivising Education in Micro financing
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Pregnancy Loan Product (Only Pilot) Academic Institution +NGO-MFI Partnership between The Centre for Innovative Financial Design of IFMR & Hand in Hand Pregnant SHG Members-Target To tackle foreseeable/Post Natal expenses Savings Linked Loan Product Savings from date of Pregnancy confirmation 5 times the accumulated savings Savings to be monitored by SHG only Loan Money to be given to authorised person in family / SHG Mixed conclusions on efficacy Can take up with suitable modifications May not be able to scale
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Bicycle Enterprise Loan(Only Pilot) Pvt. Mfg. Company + NGO-MFI Partnership between TI Cycles of India & Hand in Hand Women SHG Members-Target Training by TI Cycles with certification TI Cycles arranges fair prices Opportunity created by a Govt. Scheme Immense scope to open shops Environment supportive move Path breaking & so hurdles Labour Intensive Women facilitate shops-men run the businesses Fluctuating Price changes destabilise product
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Bicycle Enterprise Loan(Only Pilot) Margin of Rs.2,000 in cash or kind from member Rs.12,000 as loan from HiH Tenor is up to 15 months Enables buy tools and spares worth Rs.2, bicycles worth Rs.10,000 Choice of men and child bicycles more Enterprise centric bicycle models in demand
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Vermi Compost Enterprise Loan(Only Pilot) Women SHG Members-Target Training by Hand in Hand’s Environment Protection Team Environment supportive move Low labour intensity Needs only 2 to 3 hours work in a day Capital intensive Concept changing obstacles Marketing deterrents
MICRO FINANCE PROGRAM Vermi Compost Enterprise Loan(Only Pilot) 10% Margin from members in cash or kind Loan of Rs.25,000 to be given in 2 tranches Loan tenor maximum up to 18 months Single or group of up to 3 members work Initially try the end product in their gardens/farms
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