19th-20th century Public Health Source questions
b) Study Source C Why was this cartoon published in 1858? Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. [4]
c) Study Source D and E How far do these two cartoons agree? Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
(b) Study Sources C and D Are you surprised by Source D? Use both sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
(c) Study Source E Why was this cartoon published in 1858? Use the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
(c) Study Source D Are you surprised that sewers and water pipes were being built in the late 1860s? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
SOURCE B (b) Study Source B A cartoon with the title ‘A drop of London Water’, published in the late 1850s (b) Study Source B How far would the Romans have understood the message of this cartoon? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
A cartoon published in London in 1858. It shows the River Thames SOURCE C A cartoon published in London in 1858. It shows the River Thames (c) Study Source C Why was this cartoon published at this time? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [5]
A cartoon from 1858 about the River Thames SOURCE D SOURCE E A drawing from the 1840s showing the washing of a cholera victim’s bedclothes in a river in Exeter in 1832. This river was the main source of drinking water for the city. A cartoon from 1858 about the River Thames (d) Study Sources D and E How far do these two sources show that understanding of the causes of disease had improved by the middle of the nineteenth century? Use your knowledge of the history of medicine to help you explain your answer. [6]