week 5 To be/Linking Verbs/ Prep. Phrases Practice 8 Directions: Identify the subject, verb, and prep. Phrase. 1. They climbed narrow steps and opened creaking doors to three small rooms with beds under dust covers. (Donna Hill, “Ghost Cat” ) 2. Outside, on the other side of the tall brick walls of the factory, the afternoon sunlight was hazy with dust. (Children of the Jacaranda Tree ) 3. The fog horn was blowing steadily across the bay.
Directions: Identify the subject, verb, and prep. phrase. 1. Without a GPS, we will lose our way. 2. Until today, I had never heard that story. 3. Against all odds, our team won the tournament.
Directions: Identify the subject, verb, and prep. phrase. 1. After the storm, the electricity was restored 2. Someone was humming under her breath, high and sweet. (Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles) 3.The tall man and his wife stood on the deck of the boat.
Directions: Identify the subject, verb, and prep. phrase. 1. The tiger crept slowly over the dark, green grass. 2.Her husband fixes things around the house, irons clothes, and bakes the best pie. 3.On the floor below them, John's book-bag lay open.
She neither eats, nor drinks, nor sleeps, nor talks to anyone. You will be amazing in the role of the hero. Tell me the story about the dragon slayer. He had gone to his room and got into bed. (B. Byers: The Summer of the QUIZ
People often hide what’s inside. 1. What does this statement mean to you?
People often hide what’s inside. 2. Connect this statement to a character in a book.
41. People often hide what’s inside. 3. Connect this statement to a movie.
People often hide what’s inside. 4. Connect this statement to a n example from your life.
People often hide what’s inside. 5. Write about this statement again with one thing you wonder about.