Structuring Your Paragraph: Using the PIE Method to Create the Bulk of Your Paper
Thesis Statement: -“This is the argument because of reasons A, B, and C” or -“This paper will discuss something because of A, B, and C” * Your thesis statement is your point, and the body paragraphs are where you explain your point- A, B, and C will become your body paragraphs.
What? P=Point I= Illustration E=Explanation
P=Point Make an argument -What is the point of this paragraph? -Making a statement/argument Must relate to/reinforce your thesis statement
I=Illustration Give evidence for this particular point you’re making Can use: -Data -Quotes -Facts *All evidence should be cited and come from a credible source (Scholarly journal, book, etc).
E=Explain How does your illustration support your point? How does the point support the topic of that paragraph? How does the point overall support your thesis statement? -It all comes back to your thesis statement! Explain in your own words Should be at least 1-2 sentences