HIV/AIDS Conditional Grants 2001/2 for * The National Integrated Plan for Children and Youth Infected and Affected by HIV/AIDS. * Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission.
Purpose Cabinet in November 1999 approved the setting aside of funds for an effective response to the HIV/AIDs epidemic. Support for the idea that an integrated response, focussing on children and youth and the position of women in society should be implemented.
Role of National Department of Health VCT Campaign To provide voluntary counselling and testing to 12.5% of population within 3 years Community/Home Based Care and Support To develop and implement effective home based care and support models
Budget 2001/2 ProvinceVCTCHBCSTotal Eastern Cape Free state Gauteng KZN Mpumalanga Northern Cape Northern Province North West Western Cape Total
Expenditure 2001/2 VCT Eastern Cape 42% Free State96% Gauteng66% KZN78% Mpumalanga64% North Cape100% North west34% Limpopo73% Western Cape96% Total70%
Expenditure 2001/2 CHBCS Eastern Cape67% Free state94% Gauteng101% KZN1% Mpumalanga0% North Cape100% North West100% Western Cape74% Total57%
PMTCT amount received and % spent 2001/2 Eastern Cape % Free State % Gauteng % KZN % Mpumalanga % North cape % North West % Limpopo % Western cape % Total %
Total HIV/AIDS Conditional Grant Expenditure 2001/2 Eastern Cape53% Free State92% Gauteng78% KZN82% Mpumalanga30% North Cape100% North West48% Limpopo53% Western Cape73% Total68%
Outputs of Grants VCT Training 18 Master trainers (2 per province) HIV/AIDS counsellors 300 Trainers for rapid test training 50 mentor trainers (Counsellor support programme) Capacity building (VCT trainers trained in project management.
Outputs of Grant VCT Counselling Developed Guidelines(pre and post test counselling, establishing VCT programmes, minimum standards for training counsellors/trainers/mentors). Material: Developed standards manual for master trainers, train the trainer & counsellor trainers, a standards manual for mentorship training & an HIV/AIDs education manual. VCT Material – posters, pamphlets, VCT signboards. VCT sites: operational sites nationally with rapid testing & counselling.
Outputs of Grant CHBCS CHBCS Training 2000 Home carers trained nationally 180 Master trainers trained (20 per province) Provincial fast-tracking of establishing home based care and support programmes took place in all provinces. Research Situational Analysis of six sites of implementation of National Integrated Plan Training provincial officials from 9 provinces and 3 departments on conducting situational analysis UCT Children’s institute funded to undertake research on needs of vulnerable children
CHBC Conditional grant Outputs continued Rapid assessment of existing home/based care and hospices has been completed. 650 Home based care projects currently operational.
Problems experienced and steps taken. Lack of Infra-structure. Development of infra-structure has been ongoing over the past year and ‘sufficient’ foundation has been laid for implementation. Human resource capacity Structures have grown from 1 provincial coordinator to include VCT, HBC & PMTCT coordinators and finance/admin staff. Roll-out to Regions currently underway.
…Problems & Steps taken. Skills training with provincial managers & staff is ongoing and affects the pace of implementation. Training includes: Financial regulations governing conditional grant. Establishing systems and codes for financial monitoring National Integrated Plan overview and implementation requirements as recommended by cabinet Programme Management. Facilitating integration between 3 departments concerned. Guidelines for implementation of PMTCT. Some provinces have systemic problems that affects all their programmes. Some provinces have own HIV/AIDS programmes meaning conditional grant spending had less priority.