Transition to Common Core Crafting the Plan IU Regional Representatives March 29, 2012
Goals Determine depth and breadth of training for transition to PA Common Core Determine depth and breadth of training for transition to PA Common Core Define method of delivery for train the trainer modules Define method of delivery for train the trainer modules Review and revise draft framework for ELA and math training Review and revise draft framework for ELA and math training 2
IU Role What is your role? How do the points of contact play into the work? 3
Needs analysis What are districts’ greatest needs re: transition to PA Common Core? Staff Awareness Curriculum Revision 4
Training model What should our training include? How much time per subject area? What materials are essential? 5
The Twain Test 6 If you do what you’ve always done… you’ll get what you always got.
ELA: A possible plan Introduction of Standards – Compare and Contrast Instructional Shifts Depth of Knowledge Materials and Resources Emphasis Documents Standard Crosswalk Online Resources 7
ELA: A possible plan Analysis of Appendix B Gain an understanding of text complexity (self- guided PP) Analysis of Appendix C Evaluate writing samples Self Evaluation Begin analysis of your curriculum Design a review protocol file://localhost/Users/jeandyszel/Desktop/PA COMMON CORE GUIDING QUESTIONS.docx file://localhost/Users/jeandyszel/Desktop/PA COMMON CORE GUIDING QUESTIONS.docx file://localhost/Users/jeandyszel/Desktop/PA COMMON CORE GUIDING QUESTIONS.docx 8
Math: A possible plan Introduction of Standards and AA/EC Grade level shifts Transition guides Instructional Focus Analysis of the Standards for Mathematical Practice Meaning How incorporated into classroom Grade level representations 9
Math: A possible plan Materials and Resources SAS Crosswalk documents Implementation/curriculum analysis tools Instructional focus and emphasis documents Online Resources school-standards-into-courses/ school-standards-into-courses/ school-standards-into-courses/ Mathematics PLC 10
Math: A possible plan Curriculum Self Evaluation Chapter 4 (Planned Instruction) expectations K-12 scope and sequence Grade level analysis Design Protocol/Plan for Transition PSSA Impact – Starting Point 11
Scheduling training Spring/Summer 2012 Fall
Next steps Crafting the actual training modules? Next meeting? 13