1.The United States was growing at a fast rate in the early 1800s. 2.The American citizens spread west and south to make new homes, towns and then cities. 3.As they spread, they encountered many Native American tribes. 4.Tensions quickly arose because the Americans wanted the land but the Native Americans had already been living on this land. 5.What do you think would happen? Background
1.The United States government had a choice. They could either live peacefully with the Native Americans or they could force the Native Americans out of their land. 2.After many debates in the government, the US decided to find ways to remove Native Americans and eventually the US government would sign the “ Indian Removal Act ”. A Big Decision
1.The United States would try and force Native Americans to move off their lands by offering them incentives such as money and other valuables. 2.This worked for some tribes but many tribes would not be persuaded. 3.This is where the Indian Removal Act came into action. US Response
1.This act allowed the United States government the right to force Native American tribes off their land and move to a reservation out west. 2.A reservation was a piece of land designated for the Native Americans to live. 3.Was this right? 4.How do you think the Native Americans felt? Indian Removal Act of 1830
1.Most tribes obliged and moved west even though they did not want to. 2.Some tribes, such as the Cherokee, refused to leave. They had no desire to move west. 3.The Cherokee tribe took their case to the United States Supreme Court and won! 4.The Cherokee tribe could stay in their homeland. For now… Native American Response
1.President Andrew Jackson ignored the Supreme Court and had the US Army find, capture and force the Cherokee to move west. 2.The US Army did just that and forced the Cherokee tribe to walk in brutal heat, cold and rainy conditions. 3.About 25 % of the Cherokee tribe died along the way. 4.This event was an incredibly dark and sad period in American History which we now call “The Trail of Tears”. Trail of Tears