Aim: Why did settlers come into conflict with the Native Americans in the Western US?
2. Conflict With the Indians The coming of so many settlers to the frontier led to conflict with the Indians. The coming of so many settlers to the frontier led to conflict with the Indians. With the movement of settlers to the West in the 1840s, Indian life began to change. With the movement of settlers to the West in the 1840s, Indian life began to change. The coming of miners, ranchers and farmers into the last frontier caused even greater changes. The coming of miners, ranchers and farmers into the last frontier caused even greater changes. As a result, a long series of conflicts, lasting until the late 1880s, took place between the Indians and the settlers. As a result, a long series of conflicts, lasting until the late 1880s, took place between the Indians and the settlers. These conflicts resulted in the defeat of the Indians and their traditional way of life. These conflicts resulted in the defeat of the Indians and their traditional way of life.
Native Americans (1800)
2.1 The Plains Indians Nearly 200,000 Indians lived in the Great Plains. Many of the Indian groups who lived there were nomadic hunters who depended on the buffalo for survival. Nearly 200,000 Indians lived in the Great Plains. Many of the Indian groups who lived there were nomadic hunters who depended on the buffalo for survival. The buffalo provided these groups with food, clothing, housing and shelter. The buffalo provided these groups with food, clothing, housing and shelter.
Native Americans (2008)
Map of the Plains Indians
The Many Uses of Buffalo
The Plains Indians followed herds of buffalo over a large area and they believed that the land belonged to everyone. The Plains Indians followed herds of buffalo over a large area and they believed that the land belonged to everyone. However, the treaties of the 1850s between the government and certain Indian groups had set boundaries on Indian hunting lands. However, the treaties of the 1850s between the government and certain Indian groups had set boundaries on Indian hunting lands. As miners, ranchers, and homesteaders moved into the West, the treaties were broken and more Indian land was taken. It became difficult for the Indians to find the buffalo they needed. As miners, ranchers, and homesteaders moved into the West, the treaties were broken and more Indian land was taken. It became difficult for the Indians to find the buffalo they needed. The final blow came when whites began killing off large numbers of buffalo. Hunters working for railroad companies shot thousands of buffalo to feed survey and track-laying teams. Other were killed for sport, as their hides became popular in the Eastern United States. By 1889, only a few hundred buffalo were left. The final blow came when whites began killing off large numbers of buffalo. Hunters working for railroad companies shot thousands of buffalo to feed survey and track-laying teams. Other were killed for sport, as their hides became popular in the Eastern United States. By 1889, only a few hundred buffalo were left.
2.2 The Last Indian Wars The last wars between the Indians and settlers occurred during the last half of the 1800s. The last wars between the Indians and settlers occurred during the last half of the 1800s. The major reason for this conflict, you guessed it, land. The same reason we fought the Indians in the 1600s, 1700s and early 1800s. The major reason for this conflict, you guessed it, land. The same reason we fought the Indians in the 1600s, 1700s and early 1800s. In 1861, some Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians attacked miners while they were moving through Indian lands towards Colorado. In 1861, some Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians attacked miners while they were moving through Indian lands towards Colorado. This ended in the defeat of the Indians after a massacre of 450 of their number by the Colorado state militia. This ended in the defeat of the Indians after a massacre of 450 of their number by the Colorado state militia.
In 1862, many soldiers were pulled from the west to join the Civil War conflict. This allowed for many Plains Indians to rise up against white settlers. In 1862, many soldiers were pulled from the west to join the Civil War conflict. This allowed for many Plains Indians to rise up against white settlers. When the war was over, more soldiers were placed in the west. This conflict between the federal government and Indians continued soon after. When the war was over, more soldiers were placed in the west. This conflict between the federal government and Indians continued soon after.
Map of Indian Tribes, Battles and Settler Posts
The First Sioux War The First Sioux War began in 1865 when the United States Army tried to build a road across Sioux land through central Wyoming to the gold mines of Montana. The First Sioux War began in 1865 when the United States Army tried to build a road across Sioux land through central Wyoming to the gold mines of Montana. The Sioux, led by Chief Red Cloud, attacked many of the soldiers and miners along the road. The Sioux, led by Chief Red Cloud, attacked many of the soldiers and miners along the road. The government finally agreed to give up the project in The Sioux were also guaranteed reservation lands west of the Missouri River and hunting rights. The government finally agreed to give up the project in The Sioux were also guaranteed reservation lands west of the Missouri River and hunting rights.
Map of the Sioux Indian Lands c.1865
Chief Red Cloud
The Second Sioux War The Second Sioux War began as a result of gold being discovered on the Sioux reservation in the Dakota Territory. The Second Sioux War began as a result of gold being discovered on the Sioux reservation in the Dakota Territory. In 1874, after gold was discovered, miners by the hundreds arrived in the Black Hills seeking gold. In 1874, after gold was discovered, miners by the hundreds arrived in the Black Hills seeking gold. In 1875, the United States government broke its promise to the Sioux and opened the Black Hills to settlement. In 1875, the United States government broke its promise to the Sioux and opened the Black Hills to settlement.
Many Sioux left their lands and camped near the Little Bighorn River in Montana. They were joined by members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. Many Sioux left their lands and camped near the Little Bighorn River in Montana. They were joined by members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. These tribes were led by Chief Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse-2,500 warriors in all. These tribes were led by Chief Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse-2,500 warriors in all. The government ordered the tribes to return to their lands. When they did not do so, troops were sent to force them to move. The government ordered the tribes to return to their lands. When they did not do so, troops were sent to force them to move.
One group of 264 troops, led by Lt. Colonel George Custer, advanced against the Indians in the Battle of Little Bighorn. One group of 264 troops, led by Lt. Colonel George Custer, advanced against the Indians in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Custer and his troops were surrounded by the Indians and killed. Custer and his troops were surrounded by the Indians and killed. When news reached the East about this defeat, more soldiers were sent to the West and the Sioux fled the area. When news reached the East about this defeat, more soldiers were sent to the West and the Sioux fled the area.
The Black Hills-South Dakota
Gold Discovered in the Black Hills
Lt. Colonel George Custer Lt. Colonel George Custer and his men were among the first Americans to find gold in the Black Hills. He soon would gain notoriety when he and his 264 men were killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876.
Little Big Horn
Custer’s Last Stand
Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse Sitting Bull Crazy Horse
The Nez Perce The United States also used force against the Nez Perce. The United States also used force against the Nez Perce. In 1877, the government ordered the Nez Perce Tribe of eastern Oregon to move to a smaller reservation in Idaho. They refused. In 1877, the government ordered the Nez Perce Tribe of eastern Oregon to move to a smaller reservation in Idaho. They refused. Led by Chief Joseph, 800 men, women and children traveled for 15 weeks over 1,500 while being chased by US troops. Led by Chief Joseph, 800 men, women and children traveled for 15 weeks over 1,500 while being chased by US troops. The tribe was caught 40 miles before they would have escaped into Canada. The tribe was caught 40 miles before they would have escaped into Canada.
Movement of the Nez Perce Tribe 1877
Chief Joseph
The Apache One of the longest Indian wars was fought between the US Army and the Apache tribe of the southwest. One of the longest Indian wars was fought between the US Army and the Apache tribe of the southwest. The Apache continued to fight the US Army after many other tribes went to reservations. This was due to the Apache being warriors. The Apache continued to fight the US Army after many other tribes went to reservations. This was due to the Apache being warriors. The Apache knew the rugged lands of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas gave them the advantage over the US forces. The Apache knew the rugged lands of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas gave them the advantage over the US forces. The wars with the Apache went on until the capture of Geronimo in The wars with the Apache went on until the capture of Geronimo in 1886.
Apache Homelands of the 1800s
Wounded Knee The Indian Wars finally came to a close at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the Dakota Territory. The Indian Wars finally came to a close at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the Dakota Territory. In the late 1880s, a religious movement spread to the Plains Indians. As part of it, a special dance called the Ghost Dance was performed. In the late 1880s, a religious movement spread to the Plains Indians. As part of it, a special dance called the Ghost Dance was performed. The Indians believed that the dance would return the buffalo and their lands. The Indians believed that the dance would return the buffalo and their lands.
These beliefs alarmed settlers, who demanded the army take action. These beliefs alarmed settlers, who demanded the army take action. In December 1890, soldiers tried to stop the Ghost Dance. There was a brief fight and more than 150 Sioux were killed. In December 1890, soldiers tried to stop the Ghost Dance. There was a brief fight and more than 150 Sioux were killed.
Wounded Knee
Hotchkiss Gun-1 st Machine Gun
Images of Wounded Knee
Wounded Knee Memorial
2.3 Changes in Federal Indian Policy Federal policy towards the Indians changed during the 1800s. Federal policy towards the Indians changed during the 1800s. At first, the government wanted the Indians to move out of the way of white settlement. At first, the government wanted the Indians to move out of the way of white settlement. During the 1850s, boundaries were set that concentrated some Indian groups in certain areas. In 1868, Indian lands were divided into two separate reservations. During the 1850s, boundaries were set that concentrated some Indian groups in certain areas. In 1868, Indian lands were divided into two separate reservations.
Throughout this time, the government had treated Indian groups as separate nations. Throughout this time, the government had treated Indian groups as separate nations. After 1871, the government moved to “Americanize” the Indians. Efforts were made to pressure the Indians into accepting the white settlers’ way of life. After 1871, the government moved to “Americanize” the Indians. Efforts were made to pressure the Indians into accepting the white settlers’ way of life. As a first step, Congress said that all Indians were to be wards-people under the care of a guardian-of the government. As a first step, Congress said that all Indians were to be wards-people under the care of a guardian-of the government. The government’s treatment of the Indians over the years drew the attention of reformers and led to further changes. The government’s treatment of the Indians over the years drew the attention of reformers and led to further changes.
Reformers Speak Out Many reformers, such as Helen Hunt Jackson and Sarah Winnemucca, spoke out against the government’s treatment of Indians. Many reformers, such as Helen Hunt Jackson and Sarah Winnemucca, spoke out against the government’s treatment of Indians. In 1881, Jackson wrote A Century of Dishonor. This book documented the government’s harsh treatment of the Indians. In 1881, Jackson wrote A Century of Dishonor. This book documented the government’s harsh treatment of the Indians. In 1884, Winnemucca wrote Life Among the Paiutes: Their Claims and Wrongs, also criticized the government’s handling of the Indians. As a Paiute, she witnessed the treatment firsthand. In 1884, Winnemucca wrote Life Among the Paiutes: Their Claims and Wrongs, also criticized the government’s handling of the Indians. As a Paiute, she witnessed the treatment firsthand.
Helen Hunt Jackson
Sarah Winnemucca
The Dawes Act (1887) To answer the reformers’ demands, Congress passed the Dawes Act in To answer the reformers’ demands, Congress passed the Dawes Act in The act marked a change in the government’s reservation policy. The act marked a change in the government’s reservation policy. Up to 1887, Indians had been forced to live on reservations and the lands were owned by the different Indian groups. Up to 1887, Indians had been forced to live on reservations and the lands were owned by the different Indian groups.
Under the Dawes Act, the government divided reservation lands and gave Indian families plots to farm. Under the Dawes Act, the government divided reservation lands and gave Indian families plots to farm. The plots were held in trust by the government for 25 years. At the end of the time, the Indians would become full owners of the land and United States citizens. The plots were held in trust by the government for 25 years. At the end of the time, the Indians would become full owners of the land and United States citizens. However, those Indians who agreed to this decision had to break away from their traditional groups. This helped the government in successfully ending many tribal groups. However, those Indians who agreed to this decision had to break away from their traditional groups. This helped the government in successfully ending many tribal groups.
Most Indians DID NOT fare well under the Dawes Act. Most Indians DID NOT fare well under the Dawes Act. Reservation lands that were not divided into plots for the Indians were given or sold to settlers. Reservation lands that were not divided into plots for the Indians were given or sold to settlers. As a result, the Indians lost 60% of their native lands. As a result, the Indians lost 60% of their native lands. Many Indians were not farmers and they did not believe in individual ownership of property. Many Indians were not farmers and they did not believe in individual ownership of property. For the most part, Indians found it very difficult to adapt to white ways. For the most part, Indians found it very difficult to adapt to white ways.
Division of Lands Under the Dawes Act (1887)
Native Americans (1800)
Native Americans 2008