Congressional Leadership HouseSenate Speaker of the House: Elected by majority party Vice President of the United States President Pro Tempore: Senior.


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Presentation transcript:

Congressional Leadership HouseSenate Speaker of the House: Elected by majority party Vice President of the United States President Pro Tempore: Senior member of the majority party Majority/Minority Floor Leader Majority/Minority Whip

Congressional Committees Standing Committees- continue from one congress to the next, unless special action is taken to eliminate them. Ex. Agriculture, Budget May use subcommittee

Congressional Committees Select Committee: Appointed to study a particular problem. Ex. HUAC Action is taken to eliminate them when they are no longer needed.

Congressional Committees Joint Committee: made up of members of both chambers. Ex. Joint Committee on Taxation.

Congressional Committees Conference Committee: appointed by the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve disagreements on a particular bill.

How to get on a committee: Strong ties to constituency Ask to be appointed to committees Appointed by committee of committees Try to balance out the number of committees and their importance Chairmanship usually based on Seniority

How a bill becomes a law Bill is put into the hopper Sent to Subcommittee Sent to Full Committee House Rules Floor Debate Conference Committee Back to Full House President School House Rock video

Making laws Major bills-have an impact on all people of the United States Pork barrel-have an impact on the people in your district Earmarks-directs approved funds to be spent on specific projects Rider-additional provision added to a bill

Congressional Influence Voters Constituents Staff members Committee Report Colleagues Reciprocal agreements President Lobbyists and special interest groups

Scrambled Outline: How a House Bill Becomes a Law If the Senate approves, then on to the President Floor Debate before the full house The bill is put into the hopper House Rules Committee Considered by Full Committee Back to the full House for final approval House-Senate Conference Committee Bill is sent to the proper subcommittee

Answers to scrambled outline The bill is put into the hopper Bill is sent to the proper subcommittee Considered by full committee House rules committee Floor debate before the full house House-Senate Conference Committee Back to the full House for final approval If the Senate approves, then on to the President