How a Bill Becomes a Law … an overview: “ Facts of Congress - How a Bill Becomes Law”
The Bill is Introduced in the House
The Bill is Considered by a Committee In the House A House committee in session.
The Bill is Debated and Voted upon on the House Floor
The Bill is Introduced in the Senate
The Bill is considered by a Committee In the Senate U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Chairman Barbara Boxer, with Sen. James Inhofe (L) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (R).
The Bill is Debated and Voted upon on the Senate Floor Video:Facts of Congress - Filibuster kfT9bI&feature=related
The Bill goes to Conference Committee Conference committees are for House and Senate negotiators to work out the final shape of legislation, resolving differences between the two chambers. (Source: Congressional Quarterly.)
Congress Re- approves the Bill
The Bill Goes Before the President WHY SO MANY PENS??? WHY SO MANY PENS??? SignSign VetoVeto Pocket vetoPocket veto
Other Resources… How Congress Works: An Insider's View - How a Bill Becomes Law TheCenter on Congress ‘School House Rocks; I’m Just a Bill