Influences on your Healthy, Active Lifestyle 17/11/11
Learning Intentions To identify & explore key influences that impact sports participation. Resources Image Influential people Cultural Health and well-being Socio-economic Image
Cultural Age Disability Gender Race
Health and Well being influences Weight control Bones stronger Heart bigger and stronger Quicker recovery Efficient cardiovascular system Stronger immune system Prevent injury
Image Fashion Media Coverage
Media Coverage continued Media & Sport TV Internet Radio Press
Influential People Family Peers Role models
Resources Access Location Time
Socio economic influences Socio-economic status Cost £££
What sports do you associate with these countries, races & cultures? Culture: The set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterises a group. Cultural, resources
Try these.. Cuba Australia Canada Kenya
Activity With a partner, looking at the list we have created identify which SEX & AGE you associate with each sport/activity? WHY?
Where have we got these ideas from? MEDIA
Discussion Why might the media influence what we play? Role models created Positive & negative image created Portrayed as exciting and interesting Makes sports fashionable ; e.g. tennis participation during Wimbledon Create STEREOTYPES Stereotypes: These are commonly held, oversimplified, pre-conceived ideas about a person or group. They can be positive or negative
Disability When you think of rugby... do you think of this? = Sports can be adapt Manuel De Los Santos = Adapt technique to sport
What influences on sport participation have we already looked at?
You are wanting to start playing polo and so looking to join a club. Write a list of constraints that there may be.
Access Age limit on participation Too expensive
Availability Times of the club Cannot find a club Windsor £300 membership £300 membership £60 pony rentals £60 pony rentals £100 per match £100 per match £75 basic lessons £75 basic lessons £420 stable costs per month £420 stable costs per month
Location Facilities too far away to get to easily. No transport (EQUIPMENT!) You do not have the time to do it! WHY? Time
Socio-economic Influences What is meant by socio-economic? ‘an economic and sociological combined measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's (or family’s) economic and social position, based on: income education occupationoccupation’
What do you see?
Socio Economic Groups Social status Occupation Upper middle class Higher managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Chief executive Higher managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Chief executive Middle class Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Teacher Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Teacher Lower middle class Supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Sales person Supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional. E.g. Sales person Skilled working class Skilled manual workers. E.g. Electrician Skilled manual workers. E.g. Electrician Working class Semi and unskilled manual workers. E.g. Refuse collector. Semi and unskilled manual workers. E.g. Refuse collector.
Cost Some sports are more expensive than others WHY? Playing fees, cost of equipment, travel Those with a limited amount of income will not have as big a choice of activities. DISPOSABLE INCOME
Status Society associates activities with certain groups. ?
Which sports and why? Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Upper middle class Middle class Lower class
Health & Well-Being Sport activities will vary depending on... Illness Health Problems Cannot participate on temporary basis. Unwell, disease. Will prevent participation in some activities. Limits a persons choice. SPORT DOES NOT NEED TO STOP Consult DR to set appropriate level of physical activity.
“a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"disease infirmity
What have we looked at? We identified the influence resources have on sport participation. We explored what is meant by socio-economic groups. We now know how health and well being can affect sport participation.
What have we learnt? Influences that impact sports participation. Resources Image Influential people Cultural Health and well- being Socio-economic Image
Cultural Socio- economic Resource Influential people Image Health & well-being Age Disability Gender: Men & Women in sport Race Physical benefits Social benefits Mental benefits Television Press Internet Radio Family Peers Role models Provision: Indoor & Outdoor facilities Access Location Time Status: National data suggests that people on a higher income take part in more physical activity. Cost: Taking part in certain sports requires specific equipment.
Roles within your country Investigator – Person who looks for information and relays to the team Leader – The person who overlooks everyone, advises people what they need to complete making sure everything is covered. Scribe X 2 – Two people who write down all of the information Checker – Someone who checks the information and makes suggestions to improve it.
Countries…. CountryArea to Research FRANCEEducation UKAge & Gender AUSFamily & Relationships USA Money S.APolitics & Media
Factors affecting participation 1.Design a poster on one of the factors which affects participation in sport and PE 2.Your country will be given a factor which you will investigate. 3.Make sure you work together, each adopting a role to succeed. 4.You must include a description of tour factor, how this will affect participation and why?
Factors affecting participation YOU MUST - Search on the internet about the affect you have been given with your partner. - Include at least 3 facts about the affect you are investigating.
Factors affecting participation YOU SHOULD -Make sure you have included at least 3 facts about the factor you are investigating. -Give examples of how this affects participation in sport.
Factors affecting participation YOU COULD -Include pictures of examples of your factors which affects participation -Make sure your poster is well presented.