Lisbo n, Novem b er Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Civil Affairs Sector for Health COMMUNITY AGENCIES: PARTNERS IN ACCESSION The point of view of a potential candidate country Prim.dr Draženka Malićbegović Assistant Minister
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 B&H Country profile Dayton Peace Agreement (December 1995) set up B&H as a sovereign state consisting of two entities: Federation of B&H Republika Srpska and latter, in March 2000 Brčko District Population 3,84 mil. 2
Lisboa,Novemer Structure of Health Sector in BiH Health sector in B&H is consisted of: Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H (MoCA) Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska Federal Ministry of Health and Cantonal Ministries of Health Department for Health and Other Services of Brcko District Public Health Institutes and Health Insurance Funds at entity, cantonal/regional and BD level Entity and cantonal health institutions are responsible for organisation, financing and health care service delivery. MoCA B&H Department for Health has responsibilities in health sector as follows: “Establishing basic principles of cooperation and co-ordination activities, plans and policies of entities and other levels of government and representing BiH at international level in the field of health”.
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 B&H and Stabilisation and Association Agreement Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the European Communities and their Member States, on one part, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the other, was signed in Luxembourg on 16 June 2008 Interim period: 6 years 4
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 B&H obligations according SAA Approximation of legislation to acquis communautaire; Reform Process Monitoring; Transposition and implementation of Technical Directives; European Partnership; Programs of EU assistance. 5
Lisbon, November 2009 SAA and Health Only three chapters of the SAA refer to the Health sector directly: Chapter III: Regional co-operation (Article 15 and 16) Chapter V: Movement of workers, establishment, supply of services, movement of capital (Articles 47,48,49) Chapter VIII: Cooperation policies (Article 88, 99, 100) 6
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 Approximation of legislation (further steps) Drafting the State Plan for adoption of acquis communautaire Establishing the Working Group for approximation of B&H health legislation to acquis communautaire (out of 35 ac Chapters, two are directly relevant to the health sector)
Previous EU assistance to B&H From 1995 B&H was recipient of EU assistance through programs PHARE,CARDS… Since 2003 priority was given to institutional building and support to B&H to be able to acomplish priorities set out in European Partnership Lisbo n, Novem b er
Present EU assistance to B&H Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Beneficiaries – candidate and potential candidate countries Period First component -Transition Assistance and Institutional Building MIPD (Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document), prepared by the EC and beneficiary country Second component- Crossborder cooperation Multibeneficiary projects – Nuclear Safety and Ionization Protection and in other fields (transportation, environment..) Lisboa, Novem b er
Lisboa,Novemer Other available instruments of EU assistance TAIEX - assistance refers to thematic seminars on specific EU law issues and its implementation, focused study tours to EU institutions and EU member countries, seminars and workshops organization, etc. Twinning Programme –useful for B&H in the development of modern and efficient administrations, with the human resources and management skills needed to implement the acquis communautaire to the same standards as Member States.
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 Experience of Health Sector in B&H in cooperation with Community Agencies So far the MoCA had a limited experience in regard to co-operation with following Community Agencies: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 11
Lisboa,Novemer Co-operation with EMCDDA Project “Assessment of the Capacity Western Balkan Countries to Establish a Drug Information System Compatible with European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction “ –implemented from February 2008 to November 2009 with support of EU country members Project’s contributions: Infrastructural system in drug area strengthened Problems related to drugs and drug addiction identified Data resources in drug area identified Protocols on data sharing between institutions defined and institutional organization improved Process of creation of information system in drug area initiated Established co-operation between countries in the Region
Lisbo n, Novem b er 2009 Co-operation with ECDC In July 2009 ECDC mission was taken to BiH within a joint project with EC DG Enlargement to integrate BiH into ECDC work; MoCA is currently coordinating process of consultation with responsible entity MoHs on signing a Memorandum of Understanding with ECDC that will create a framework for work in the area of public health/ communicable diseases
Future co-operation between B&H and Community Agencies One of documents that will be frame for future cooperation B&H with Community Agencies : “Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans: Moving towards European Integration”, endorsed at the European Council on 20 June 2003 Involving new-established agencies( Agency for drugs and medical devices and Agency for food safety) in Community programe following good cooperation with EMCDDA and ECDC in the field of health.
Lisboa, Novem b er Thank you for your attention!