The Social Class System in the U.S. What are the characteristics of the American class system? What motivations and values influence this system?
How do we determine social class? Reputational method: individuals in the community are asked to rank other community members based on what they know of their characters and lifestyle. Suitable only when studying small communities where everyone knows everyone else.
Determining social class The subjective method is where individuals are asked to determine their own social rank. When using this method, most people tend to say they’re middle class as opposed to upper or lower class.
Determining social class Objective Method: In this approach, sociologists define social class by income, occupation, and education. By using such statistics, this is the least biased way of determining class.
The Upper Class 1% of the population Controls a sizable proportion of the U.S.’s wealth Old money vs. new money
The Upper Middle Class High-income business people and professionals. Have a college education and/or advanced degrees. Based on income, not assets. Career oriented and politically active.
The Lower Middle Class Hold white-collar jobs Examples: nursing, middle-management, salespersons, and owners of small businesses. Live comfortable lives, but must work hard to keep what they have.
The Working Class Many hold jobs that require manual labor. Ex: factory workers, tradespeople, less skilled workers, etc. Some jobs pay as much or more than those of lower middle class, but don’t carry as much prestige. Many have few financial reserves.
The Working Poor Work the lowest-paying jobs, which are usually temporary or seasonal. Work hard, but rarely make a living wage. Many depend on govt. support programs to make ends meet. Many are high school dropouts, and because of a lack of education and skills, their future prospects are often bleak.
The Underclass Those families who’ve dealt with unemployment and poverty over several generations. Some members do work, but usually undesirable, low paying jobs. Public assistance Life can be a day-to- day struggle for survival.
Social Classes in the U.S. by percentage of population What class do the most citizens fall into?
Distribution of Wealth in the U.S. What’s wrong with this picture?
Questions… Can a person change what class they belong to? How do cultural values and economic aspiration and motivation influence the American class system? Do you agree or disagree with how social classes are determined? Explain.