Multiculturalism In Western Europe And North America Institute Of Western European Studies, FSV UK Spring 2010 Lecturer: Antonin Mikeš MM202 Lecture 1 Background Info
Course overview Race, ethnicity, minority, identity Multiculturalism, racism, discrimination, equity International law and minorities, policies and instruments Legislative framework- International instruments Country case studies: 1. UK and institutional racism 2. Canada and its multiculturalism policy 3. The Netherlands from multiculturalism to integration Minority case study – the Roma Conclusions and ideas for further research
Introduction and terminology Definitions Ethnicity – what is an ethnicity? Race – what is race? Culture – what is culture? Identity – what is it?
Definitions Ethnicity – Race – Culture – Identity – Multiple identities ?
Definitions related to ethnicity (2) From ethnic category to concepts of ethnic community. “Ethnie“ is a named human population with myths of common ancestry, shared historical memories, one or more elements of common culture, a link with a homeland, a sense of solidarity among at least some members. Covers both majority and minority population. Vs Multiple identities, Situational (transcending) ethnicities, Hybridity What are your identit(ies)?
Ethnicity 2 basic + 3 complementary approaches: 1. Primordialists Focus on primordial ties ( but static naturalist, ethnic id. Overlapping with other types of id.) Sociobiologists - mechanisms of nepotism and inclusive fitness based on genetic reproductive capacity (reductionism) 2. Instrumentalists Symbols for political goals, rational choices. Socially constructed nature of ethnicity But neglect wider cultural environment, affective and collective dimensions. Interests only in material terms
Approaches to ethnicity – cont. 3. Transactionalists Frederick Barth – social boundaries, ascribed ethnicity 4. Social psychological Horowitz, Tajfel 5. Ethno-symbolists Myths & symbols. Nostalgia… AD smith, Armstrong (Hutchinson, smith: introduction) See also Cornell, Hartmann, : Circumstantialists vs Primordialists
Race Biology & natural sciences – no longer relevant Race remains a legitimate concept for sociological analysis because social actors treat is as real and organise their lives and practices by reference to it (van den Berghe) Robert Miles: race is only an ideological construct that is used by social scientists for legitimising the status quo D. Mason : “Clearly there are no such things as races. Yet it is equally clear that large numbers of people behave as if there are”
Race in biology See researches in genetics in the 80´s E.G Rose, Steven, Lewontin, Richard, Kamin, Leon (1990) not in our genes. Biology, ideology and human nature, London: penguin books Stephen Gould (1996) the Mismeasure of man Ellis Cashmore (1996) dictionary of race and ethnic relations
Race – cont. Mason: „race is a social relationship in which structural positions and social actions are ordered, justified, and explained by reference to systems of symbols and beliefs which emphasise the social and cultural relevance of biologically rooted characteristics“. In other words, the social relationship race presumes the existence of racism and institutional racism.
Preamble of the EU Race Directive “The European union rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races. The use of the term "racial origin" in this directive does not imply an acceptance of such theories” Race is a social construct, i.e. A category without any biological underpinning
Race vs ethnicity Race is often treated as ideology Ethnicity as a real phenomenon Racial refers mainly to physical terms Ethnic rather to cultural terms Race refers to them Ethnicity to us Both concepts always imply social relationship
Minority What is a minority? A “group of people distinguished by physical or cultural characteristics... subject do different and unequal treatment by the society in which they live... and who regard themselves as victims of collective discrimination” 1945 Louis Wirth
Minority - cont. Must be a 'non dominant' group Its members must 'possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population‚ Must also 'show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language' (Capotorti as quoted from MRG)
Minority - cont. Also non dominant groups that may be a numerical majority in a state, those who are not necessarily nationals or citizens of the state where they reside. MRG
Relevant Background Laws Amsterdam Treaty (Article 13) Two Directives (2000/43/EC, 2000/78/EC) European Framework Convention for protection of national minorities (FCNM) CERD, CRC, CEDAW, ICCPR, ICESCR, etc. Framework for public policies - promoting positive interethnic relations, elimination of discrimination and racism.
Racist or Not Racist. “I’m not racist, I just don’t like people who are different.” “I believe in equality for all, except for some people.” “I think that everyone is the same, it’s just that some people are born better able to do something's than other people. Like Asians, they’re really good at math and science, and Africans are better at doing hard work like building things, and people from India are good with their hands.”
Racism is Racism Are there different forms of racism? What are they? I
Racism is Racism Are there different forms of racism? What are they? Answers #1 Type: Individual Belief in superiority of Whites Violence against "non-Whites“ Denial of the existence of racism in any form. Belief that lack of success of "non-White" persons is due to genetic inferiority or racial-group malaise. Type: Cultural Language superiority Law, politics defined from a White perspective In education, science, philosophy and so forth, the contributions of White people are the best. Type: Institutional Law enforcement policies are more stringent for people of color. Unemployment and underemployment for people of color. Inadequate housing
Racism is Racism Are there different forms of racism? What are they? Answers #2 Racist behaviour may be direct (overt) or indirect (covert) in nature. Direct racial discrimination is the unfair or unequal treatment of a person or a group on racial grounds. An example would be an employer who won't hire someone on the basis of their cultural or linguistic background. This type of discrimination is typically deliberate. Indirect racial discrimination is seemingly equitable on the surface, but in practice disadvantages people from particular groups. For example, a rule that says that all students must not wear anything on their heads could result in discrimination against students whose religion requires the wearing of headwear. Indirect racial discrimination can occur even when there is no intention to discriminate. Institutional racism (or systemic racism) describes forms of racism which are structured into political and social institutions. It occurs when organisations, institutions or governments discriminate, either deliberately or indirectly, against certain groups of people to limit their rights.
Racism defined…. “Racism is an ideology that gives expression to myths about other racial and ethnic groups, that devalues and renders inferior those groups, that reflects and is perpetuated by deeply rooted historical, social, cultural and power inequalities in society.” dex-What.html