Domain-Independent Concepts Domain-Specific Concepts SlotEntityEventValueCliché ActionStateIntangible-EntityTangible-Entity ObjectSubstance…Place…Transfer…CreateMove PhagocytosePinocytose EndocytoseAbsorb Top-down describe clusters of actions common to all domains (says us) Bottom-up prime the pump test the hypotheses guide construction of the upper levels
Presentation continues with brief description of the slot language used in all components view of the current component library browser sample of specifications/KM code
RNA Transcription Scenario Purpose: to exercise our Component Library Selected a two-paragraph description of RNA Transcription from our biology textbook Searched our Component Library (and Slot Dictionary) for generic actions and roles that a SME could use to describe this scenario Found new action types to add to Library, refinements to Slot Dictionary, representation issues to work on
Using the Component Library Collide Adhere Slide Encounter Bind Move Halt Release Detach Separate Move Copy Repeat Match Bind Connect Encounter subevents
Roles for Bind Action EncounterBind Copy Move temporally- met-by temporally- met-by, enabled-by PolymeraseDNAPromoter enabled-by locationdestinationobject part-of
KM Code for Bind Action (a Bind with (object ((the RNA-Polymerase))) (destination ((the DNA))) (location ((the Promoter))) (temporally-met-by ((the Encounter))) (enabled-by ((the Encounter))) )
An Example of Non-Taxonomic Composition… Enter: “cause oneself to move into an enclosure” Bathe: “wash oneself” Refrain(-from): “restrain oneself (from doing something)” Enter isa: Move-Into agent: = object object: = agent Bathe isa: Wash agent: = object object: = agent Refrain isa: Restrain agent: = object object: = agent
…Non-Taxonomic Composition… Reflexive-Action Action Non-Reflexive-Action Bathe Enter RefrainWash Groom…ObstructMove Go-To Groom…ObstructMove Move-To Move-Into Restrain
…Non-Taxonomic Composition… Action Enter Wash Reflexive-Action Bathe Groom… Refrain Obstruct Move-To Move Go-ToMove-Into Restrain
…Non-Taxonomic Composition Action Enter Wash Bathe Groom… Refrain ObstructMove Move-To Go-To Move-Into Restrain Cliché Part-AscensionReflexiveReciprocal … Kiss Collide
“Clichés” The difference between many concepts is often a small number of axioms and/or slots These differences are a pattern repeating throughout the taxonomy The patterns are somehow less semantically complete than other concepts, yet they are not semantically incoherent