Search example – concepts Government policies in Eastern Europe regarding wetland degradation
Catalogue: reference works
Search example – concepts Government policies in Eastern Europe regarding wetland degradation Concept 1 wetlands Concept 2 degradation
Reference works: VRD
VRD: Encyclopedia
Portal environmtental sciences
Search example – concepts Government policies in Eastern Europe regarding wetland degradation Concept 1 wetlands Concept 2 degradation Concept 3 policies
Search example – concepts Government policies in Eastern Europe regarding wetland degradation Concept 1 wetlands Concept 2 degradation Concept 3 policies Concept 4 eastern europe
Search example – keywords 1. wetland?, marsh??, bog?, swamp? (Thesaurus viewer or Synonym Dictionary,Thesaurus viewer Synonym Dictionary In Blackboard: see Keyword Finding Assistance under Extra Materials) 2. degradation, contamination, pollution, but also…. conservation 3. policy, policies, government, politics, authorities 4. Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Poland, etc. (explode)
Search example – search profile Within aspect: OR Between aspects: AND (Exclude aspects: NOT) Make sets per concept, or use parentheses Adjust during search
Final search in CAB Abstracts 1.wetland? OR marsh?? OR bog? OR swamp? 2.degradation OR contamination OR pollution OR conservation 3.policy OR policies OR government? OR politic* OR authorit* OR public administration 4.explode "Central-Europe" in BT,DE,GE,OD 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4
Evaluating the results Judging bibliographic records type of document subject and scope – abstract information primary of secondary research audience date of publication author details Evaluating internet resources anyone can publish coverage, relevancy for your question Quality criteria: accuracy, objectivity, authority, currency Peter Steiner, The New Yorker July 5, 1993
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Using the results Citing, avoid plagiarism Writing Publishing Journal selection, impact factors Dissertations: WaY Open access journals: BioMed Central PLoS Biology Review process David Holtzman, GlobalPOV September 26, 2006
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