The Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Rate of Rubisco Activase Vincent Bianco Manhasset Science Research
Need Graph 1 shows that starting in 2000 to 2100 there will be a global temperature increase of about 1.1°C – 6.4°C. The y-axis represents the change in temperature from the 1961 – 1990 average, the x-axis represents years. change.html Graph 2 shows that the current warming climate trend since 1981 has caused a great decrease in Wheat, Maize, Soy, Barley, and Sorghum production. The x-axis representing time and the y- axis the impact of climate trend in metric tons. _03_01_archive.html
Knowledge Base Figure 1 shows the process of photosynthesis in a chloroplast, more specifically the Calvin cycle.
Literature Review Weston (2007) while studying two different genotypes of Acer rubrum, one from Florida (FL) and one from Minnesota (MN) found that at 33/25°C (day/night) the FL maintained double the rate of photosynthesis and 22% increase in the rate of Rubisco carboxylation. Weston (2007) while studying two different genotypes of Acer rubrum, one from Florida (FL) and one from Minnesota (MN) found that at 33/25°C (day/night) the FL maintained double the rate of photosynthesis and 22% increase in the rate of Rubisco carboxylation. /94/6/926/F1
Literature Review Salvucci (2000) while studying cotton and tobacco plants found that Rubisco deactivated in leaves when temperature increased and in response to high CO2 and low O2. Decrease in activation occurred at 35°C. Activities of isolated activase and Rubisco were highest at 42°C and >50°C, respectively. Salvucci (2000) while studying cotton and tobacco plants found that Rubisco deactivated in leaves when temperature increased and in response to high CO2 and low O2. Decrease in activation occurred at 35°C. Activities of isolated activase and Rubisco were highest at 42°C and >50°C, respectively. nt/97/24/13430.full
Sage (2005) while growing sweet potatoes under green house conditions found that when the CO2 levels increased to a point where there was a 90% reduction in O2 content the activation state of Rubisco decreased. Sage (2005) while growing sweet potatoes under green house conditions found that when the CO2 levels increased to a point where there was a 90% reduction in O2 content the activation state of Rubisco decreased. Literature Review ssue2/images/large/pp066233F03_LW.jpeg
Literature Review Chatfield (1988) found that the regulation of Rubisco activation and deactivation was provided by Rubisco activase and RuBP, respectively. Chatfield (1988) found that the regulation of Rubisco activation and deactivation was provided by Rubisco activase and RuBP, respectively.
Purpose - Hypothesis Purpose- to determine the effect of temperature on the reaction rate of Rubisco activase. Purpose- to determine the effect of temperature on the reaction rate of Rubisco activase. Alternate - If the temperature of the environment increases, then the reaction rate of Rubisco activase will also increase. Alternate - If the temperature of the environment increases, then the reaction rate of Rubisco activase will also increase. Null - The temperature of the environment will have no effect on the reaction rate of Rubisco activase. Null - The temperature of the environment will have no effect on the reaction rate of Rubisco activase.
Methodology The Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Rate of Rubisco Activase Rubisco Activase 1ml Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase 5ml Placed in 22°C (room temperature) environment Placed in 47°C environment Placed in 53°C environment Placed in 80°C environment Placed in 53°C environment Placed in 47°C environment Placed in 22°C (room temperature) environment 80°C Rubisco Activase and Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase 53°C Rubisco Activase and Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase 47°C Rubisco Activase and Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase 22°C Rubisco Activase and Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase A test plate was frilled with one or two drops of 12KL (iodine- potassium-iodide) into several rows. By taking 30 seconds between putting drops of the solutions into the 12KL the amount of time for the 12KL to turn from blue to yellow was recorded.
Protocols for Measurement Use of a Thermometer to adequately measure the temperature of each environment Use of a Thermometer to adequately measure the temperature of each environment Use of a stop watch to measure the amount of time for each reaction to take place Use of a stop watch to measure the amount of time for each reaction to take place
Do-Ability All materials are available in Laboratory All materials are available in Laboratory All materials that are not can be purchased: All materials that are not can be purchased: Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase / Oxygenase Rubisco Activase Iodine Potassium Iodide Solution
Budget Vendor Cat. # PageItem Quantit y Unit Price Sigma-AldrichR ww.sigma m/catalo g/Produc ?lang=en &N4=R8 000|SIG MA&N5 =SEARC H_CON CAT_PN O|BRA ND_KE Y&F=SP EC ww.sigma m/catalo g/Produc ?lang=en &N4=R8 000|SIG MA&N5 =SEARC H_CON CAT_PN O|BRA ND_KE Y&F=SP EC D- Ribulos e 1,5- Diphos phate Carbox ylase from spinach 0.1 mg solid $93.10 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. sc datashe et rubisco- activase- aa-18- antibod y.html datashe et rubisco- activase- aa-18- antibod y.html Rubisco Activase 200 µg $259 Carolina Biological Supply Company uct/iodine- potassium+iodi de+solution%2 C+laboratory+g keyword=iodine +potassium+iod ide&sortby=best Matches# uct/iodine- potassium+iodi de+solution%2 C+laboratory+g keyword=iodine +potassium+iod ide&sortby=best Matches# Iodine- Potassium- Iodide Solution 500ml$7.25 Total Price: $359.35
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