W EEK O NE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples antiagainstantibody, antithesis, antifreeze bitwobilateral, bicycle, biped, binocular comtogethercomfort, complete,


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Presentation transcript:

W EEK O NE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples antiagainstantibody, antithesis, antifreeze bitwobilateral, bicycle, biped, binocular comtogethercomfort, complete, common, combination

W EEK T WO W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples dedowndeposit, denounce, deplete, deduct, demolish disawaydistract, dissuade, disperse, dismiss, disprove equiequalequitable, equation, equinox, equilibrium

W EEK T HREE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples interbetweeninterstellar, interject, interlude, international introintointrospective, introvert, introduce malbadmalevolent, malicious, malady, malign

W EEK F OUR W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples misbadmisfit, misdeed, misfire, misguided, mistake nonnotnonprofit, none, nonchalant, nonstop postafterpostgraduate, postscript, posthumous

W EEK F IVE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples prebeforeprelude, premonition, premature, predict semihalfsemicircle, semiformal, semiannual subundersubterranean, subtract, submarine, subordinate, subterfuge

W EEK S IX W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples superoversupervise, superb, superior, superfluous, supernatural syntogethersynchronize, synonym, synopsis, syntax trithreetricycle, triangle, triceps, triad, triceratops

W EEK S EVEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples unnotunfit, unconventional, unequal, untenable cidekillherbicide, homicide, matricide, genocide icianspecialisttechnician, musician, statistician, physician, politician

W EEK E IGHT W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples itisinflammationappendicitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, bronchitis aquawateraquarium, aquifer, aqueous, aqueduct, semiaquatic audihearaudiophile, audition, auditory, audit, audiometer

W EEK N INE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples bellwarbellicose, belligerent, rebel, counter-rebellion captakecapture, captive, capsule, captivate, captor cisecutincision, precise, concise, exorcise, incisors, decision

W EEK T EN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples biolifebiography, biology, biomorphic, biogenesis autoselfautograph, automobile, autobiography, autocracy, automatic, automaton portcarrytransport, import, report, deport, comport, porter, portly

W EEK E LEVEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples scribwritedescribe, scribe, scribble logysciencebiology, anthropology, geology, mythology, etymology dictsaydictionary, predict, dictation, contradict

W EEK T WELVE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples credbelievecredit, incredible, credible, credo centone hundredcentury, bicentennial, centimeter, centipede neonewneoclassical, neonatal, neophyte, neologism

W EEK THIRTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples cedegorecede, precede, proceed, secede, succeed, antecedent bibliobookbibliography, bibliophile, bible, bibliophobia anthropomananthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope

W EEK F OURTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples homosamehomogenize, homonym, homophone speclookspectacles, specter, spectrum, respect, inspect pendhangpending, pendulum, pendant, impending, depend, suspend

W EEK F IFTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples microsmallmicron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm hydrowaterhydroplane, hydrant, dehydrate, hydrophobia photolightphotograph, photometer, photogenic, photosynthesis

W EEK S IXTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples panallpanorama, pandemic, pantheon, panoply pentafivepentagram, pentagon, pentathlon, pentarchy telefartelescope, telephone, telekinesis

W EEK S EVENTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples vidlookvideo, evidence, invidious, videlicet omniallomnifarious, omnivorous, omniscient, omnipresent exoutexcept, excise, exorbitant

W EEK E IGHTEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples polymanypolyphony, polygamy, polyvalent reagainreturn, review, retouch, reiterate, revive, regenerate hypounderhypodermic, hypocrite, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis

W EEK N INETEEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples antebeforeantebellum, antecedent, anterior, antedate circumaroundcircumference, circumfluent circumnavigate, circumvolve contogetherconditional, conversation, convict, condemn

W EEK T WENTY W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples extrabeyondextraordinary, extramarital, extraterrestrial intrawithinintramural, intracollegiate, intracontinental symtogethersymbiotic, sympathize, symbol

W EEK T WENTY -O NE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples archygovernmentanarchy, monarchy, hierarchy, oligarchy ardalwaysdrunkard, sluggard, wizard, guard adtoparade, blockade, promenade, serenade

W EEK T WENTY -T WO W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples misssendadmission, dismiss, missile, mission centricentercentrifugal, acentric, ecocentric, eccentric ductleadabduct, aqueduct, conduct, deduct

W EEK T WENTY -T HREE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples fercarrytransfer, confer, aquifer, defer pseudofalsepseudonym, pseudoscience, pseudoreligion neuronerveneurology, neurologists, neurosystem

W EEK T WENTY -F OUR W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples tomycutanatomy, craniotomy, phlebotomy, tracheotomy hemabloodhematoma, hemophilia, hematic, hemachrosis protofirstprototype, protagonist, protoplasm

W EEK T WENTY -F IVE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples phonsoundphonics, telephone, phonetics monoonemonogamous, monochromatic, monocle vivlifevivacious, revive, revival, survive

W EEK T WENTY -S IX W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples morphshapemetamorphosis, polymorph, neomorph vestclothesdevest, travesty, vestibule, vesture benegoodbenefit, beneficial, benevolent

W EEK T WENTY -S EVEN W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples pondhangponder, nonresponder, despond corpbodycorporate, corporation, incorporate dormsleepdormitory, dormancy, dormitive

W EEK T WENTY -E IGHT W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples paterfatherpaternal, paternity, paters novnewinnovate, nova, renovate, novel punctpointpunctuate, punctuation, punctual

W EEK T WENTY -N INE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples jectthroweject, inject, reject, projectile tionact or stateeducation, limitation, liberation, motivation locoplacelocomotive, local, locality, locate

W EEK T HIRTY W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples doxopinionorthodox, paradox, unorthodox amphibothamphibian, amphibious, amphivorous magngreatmagnitude, magnanimous, magnetic

W EEK T HIRTY -O NE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples eugoodconnoisseur, eulogy, euphemism endowithinendocrine, endorse, endowment phobiafearhydrophobia, aerophobia, arachnophobia

W EEK T HIRTY -T WO W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples orthostraightorthodontist, orthodox, orthroscopic putthinkcompute, computer, computations vertrueachiever, verify, verbatim, verbal

W EEK T HIRTY -T HREE W ORD L IST rootmeaningexamples matrimothermatriarch, matrix megalargemegaphone, megalopolis poppeoplepopulation, populous sanguibloodsanguify, sanguine