MINER A (FNAL E938) Gabriel Niculescu, JMU MINERA web site: Miner a Main Injector MINOS Near Detector NuMI Beam Where? FERMILAB Numi Beam Line In front of the Minos near detector ( used as “muon catcher”) NuMi Beam Line Fully Active Target: 8.3 tons Nuclear Targets: 6.2 tons (40% scint.) LHe SideECAL Fully Active Target Downstream ECAL Downstream HCAL Nuclear Targets Side HCAL (OD) Veto Wall What with? Active core of segmented solid scintillator providing: Precision tracking (including low momentum recoil protons) Particle identification 3 ns (RMS) per hit timing (track direction, stopped K ± ) LHe, C, Fe, Pb targets (upstream) Core surrounded by electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters , 0, and hadronic E measurement MINOS near detector as muon catcher Low-risk, simple, well-understood, Affordable! TargetFiducial Vol. Expected CC (tons)Yields (10 6 ) CH (scintillator) He C Fe Pb Assume: 4.0 x 1020 POT LE and 12.0 x 1020 POT ME beam How Big? Main CC Physics Topics (Statistics in active target only - CH) Quasi-elastic 0.8 M events Resonance Production 1.7 M total Transition: Resonance to DIS2.1 M events DIS, Structure Funcs. and high-x PDFs 0.3 M DIS events Coherent Pion Production89 K CC / 44 K NC Strange and Charm Production>240 K Generalized Parton Distributions ~ 10 K events What? Axial form factor of the nucleon Resonance production in both NC & CC interactions Statistically significant measurements with 1-5 GeV neutrinos Study of “duality” with neutrinos Coherent pion production Statistically significant measurements of A-dependence Strange particle production (Important backgrounds for proton decay) Parton distribution functions (Measurement of high-x behavior of quarks) Generalized parton distributions Nuclear effects (Expect significant differences for -A vs e/ -A nuclear effects) Detailed Why? p Quasielastic event n p Neutral Current 0 A Resonance production p ++ - p + p Simulated Miner a Events 1.7 × 3.3 cm 2 strips WLS fiber readout in center hole Optical Connectors Scintillator & embedded WLS Clear fiber M-64 PMT PMT Box Miner a Core Quo Vadis, Miner a? CD 1 and 2 approval (working on 3) Vertical Slice Test Small array (300MeV Full Module Prototype (spring ’07) Test beam Start production in ’08, data taking in ‘09 Your Miner a (Put your comments here) What? MINERvA is a compact, fully active neutrino detector designed to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in detail at high statistics” Why? Inherent interest in the phenomena of low- energy neutrino-nucleus scattering “Neutrino Engineering”: Provide knowledge that will help improve/enhance other neutrino studies (read “oscillations”) Who? (E938 Collaboration) University of Athens - Greece; University of Dortmund; University of Minnesota – Duluth; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; Hampton University; Illinois Institute of Technology; Institute for Nuclear Research – Moscow; University of California – Irvine; Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory; James Madison University; Northwestern University; Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru; University of Pittsburgh; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Tufts University; Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria – Peru; University of Rochester; College of William & Mary; St. Xavier University; Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas - Brazil