Fermilab Budget Presentation Research Program Hugh Montgomery February 27, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Fermilab Budget Presentation Research Program Hugh Montgomery February 27, 2006

f 2 Physics Research Program Particle physics -- understand what are the fundamental components of our universe and how they interact. Experimental research uses Accelerators –complex of accelerators at Fermilab, Tevatron Collider, Neutrinos –Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Switzerland. Cosmic radiation; –optical telescopes –charged cosmic rays –WIMPS – cold dark matter Two theoretical physics groups –particle physics –cosmology. All the components of the research program are naturally intertwined.

f February 27, Publication History

f February 27, Strategy Operate/support our Collider Physics (CDF, D0, CMS) Operate our Neutrinos (MINOS, MiniBooNE) Operate our Particle Astro (SDSS, CDMS, Auger) Maintain leadership in Lattice Project, SciDAC ( Lattice, Accel. Modelling ) Support NOvA R&D in the neutrino competition, preparation for CD1, CD2 reviews Nurture two selected small enterprises: MINERvA, DES One very small experiment SciBooNE Increase participation in the LC R&D Plan future high intensity proton program Desired initiatives are consistent with Director’s Strategy and Business Plan from 2005

f February 27, The Physics Research Program RunII Ops Upgrades CMS DES NOvA MINERvA DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Physics Research Program Budget FY DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Physics Research Program FY2006 Budget NOvA ramp RunII Holding Flat Upgrades Done DES Held CMS core rising DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Collider Physics Run II operations continue to do well –Integrated Luminosity ~ 1.3 fb -1 for each experiment –~ 1 fb -1 in summer conference results (one last week) –Computing is a challenge but is successful thus far –Run IIB: most upgrades in after shutdown –Note publications –Transition from Tevatron to LHC CMS –CD4A a great success –Experiment to be completed (Silicon integration, Pixels for the US) –Transition to operating experiment –Computing Reviews continue to be very positive –Strong impact of physicist/CP team –Transitions from Tevatron experiments –Postdoc recruiting needs to ramp up –LPC appears to be successful so far –FNAL people continue to provide strong leadership Run II   CMS Synergy

f February 27, Tevatron 1 fb -1 Result!

f February 27, Collider Physics – Issues/Actions Run IIB upgrade projects end, some earned contingency to be recovered Task Force Report –Attempting to respond –Limited by resources Operations eat inflation, manpower in operations reduces –We try to apply individuals where need is evident –Attempt to gain with efficiencies, common solutions, common groups across the two experiments (eg system management of online, farms operations) –Attempting to maintain strong post-doc cadre Run IIB Offline computing continues to rely on: –Lab computing infrastructure: buildings, power and cooling and has required very considerable investment –in kind computing from collaborations exploitation of which, in turn, relies on Laboratory Networking investments –Good news: ESNET plans now foresee an upgrade of supplied infrastructure

f February 27, MiniBooNE, Fixed Target Experiments & External Beams MiniBooNE Operations going well –More than 7.2 x pot –Expect results in Summer –Systematic studies included multiple horn settings and reversed polarity (antineutrinos) MIPP –Particle production experiment –Relevant to neutrino oscillations –Experiment completed its Priority 1 and 2 data –Future not evident Test Beam –Healthy set of requests ( LHC, SuperB, generic, and ILC) –Operations work well –Attempting to develop plan for improved beam (low energy) –Pressure/requests for increased duty cycle

f February 27, Neutrinos Long Baseline NuMI-MINOS –Construction projects completed –Operations have started well –Problems with horn and target –Anticipate the first results very soon (1 x pot) MINERvA –NuMI near hall –Neutrino cross sections, physics and LBL projections –Directors CD1 review was very good, submission to DOE 3/2006 –CD0 in train? ( EIR complete) –Detector (~$9.2M), Installation(~$1.2M) –No construction in PB – Flat scenario SciBooNE –Booster Beam, –Detector was used in K2K –Data will help T2K –KEK Director wrote to Pier LArTPC a modest Liquid Argon neutrino initiative

f February 27, Neutrinos NOvA –sin 2 2  13, mass hierarchy –Next step in Long Baseline neutrino program –R&D in progress –Has CD0 (thankyou), awaiting NuSAG Report –Director’s CD1 Review tomorrow –DOE CD1 Review April 4-6 –Target is construction start in 2008 –No construction in PB – Flat scenario

f February 27, NOvA Project Funding Needs 2007 –PED$11M –R&D Need$ 5M 2008 –Construction Site and Building, $ 44.7 M ($ 37.8 M obligation + 25% contingency) Others Elements (Base Cost): –Scintillator startup $ 7.1 M –Extrusion startup, $ 3.0 M –APDs $ 8.3 M – Block Raiser $ 2.2 M –Project Office $ 0.5 M Director’s Review starts February 28

f February 27, Experimental Particle Astrophysics SDSS –SDSS I complete –SDSSII established, started well, impressive SuperNova yield Auger –Largest ground array –Beautiful hybrid capability –Operating well –Stretched for cash but first physics last summer –Definitive Agasa/HiRes resolution should come this year?? CDMS –Best limits in the world –Starting full operation (5 towers) now cooled down –Looking to future (NSF funding, DOE proposal, FNAL in management, cryo,and electronics, all at controlled scale, 25 kg) JDEM –Some important work for SNAP, mainly physicist effort & electronics COUPP –Liquid Bubble chamber for cold dark matter

f February 27, Experimental Particle Astrophysics DES –Very interesting Dark Energy initiative, exploits FNAL skills –Scale (~ $20M for instrument) -- possible for this decade –Generic ground based Dark Energy -- CD0 –Aiming for construction in FY08 DOE MIE – FY08: $4.7,FY09:4.0, FY10:1.7M) –Cannot maintain pace in the PB - Flat scenario –Interest in collaboration from UC, U of I, U. Michigan, UK Consortium (UC London (PPARC), Portsmouth) Spanish Consortium (IEEC (Astrophysics), IFAE & CIEMAT (HEP)), all with contributions. –We need reading from DETF? –They need reading from FNAL/DOE to convince to commit.

f February 27, Physics Research Program Budget FY Incremental Analysis RunII Ops Flat No DES No NOvA Const. No MINERvA Const. CMS core rising DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Computing Computing for Run II continues to do well –Production keeps pace with data taking Improvements to handle higher occupancies Improvements in calibration methodology –Analysis pace is also maintained –Flexibility of resources has been important –Record utilization of grid implementations for both experiments –Large non-FNAL, non-US, in-kind, contributions of computing CMS C&S –Hardware installation tempered to match schedule –Deploy analysis computing just-in-time –Staffing has required internal transfers –Impact of team approach (physicists and computing professionals) is evident Fermilab installed infrastructure (to Starlight) is part of operations, ESNET planning situation has improved Infrastructure is a continuing issue down the line

f February 27, Central Computing & Networking Lattice Project, Fermilab managing across BNL, FNAL and TJNAF, FNAL core support for the infrastructure FermiGRID strategy is almost completely implemented, all farms participate, it has become a necessity Open Science Grid is becoming increasingly important to a widening range of stakeholders. Cyber Security Assist visits went extremely well, they identified several best practices which they are trying to propagate to other labs. It would be nice to see some return on this.

f February 27, Central Computing & Networking But … Operational and support staff (eg Networking) are under heavy pressure. Especially for Run II, this pinches the scientist leadership opportunities It is difficult to improve when budgets are declining and when the outside world continues to attract, and be attracted by, our best people. There is reliance also on remote, international computing for Run II, with cooperation on interoperability – our committees warn us that this is vulnerable to LHC competition Support for traditional software, for example, simulations, ROOT, GEANT, needs to grow, especially for ILC. We are attempting to rationalize DAQ/Controls effort for accelerator work, ILC controls initiatives, and some experiment support

f February 27, Budget Need DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Budget Need DIRECT COSTS

f February 27, Summary Fermilab continues to hum with activity –Collider Program remains strong, luminosity is growing –Neutrino Operations have been excellent –CMS participation is strong and strengthening –ILC is evident BUT Concern about building a mid-term future experimental program NOvA is supported for PED, needs more for R&D, needs strong FY08 construction start MINERvA needs FY07 R&D and FY08 construction DES needs FY07 R&D and FY08 construction SciBooNE is at our limit No other experimental initiatives are supported