Total Synthesis of Brevenal Jon D. Rainier Department of Chemistry, University of Utah. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3208–3216
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34 was isolated as an inseparable mixture of diastereomers as a result of the poor selectivity in the epoxidation reaction made this approach untenable and forced us to modify our strategy.
model bicyclic enol ether 39 comes from the oxidation of ZnMe 2 by the epoxide from 31 and the subsequent transfer of methoxide to the epoxide
Tetrahedron Letters 51 (2010) 3960–3961
our spectroscopic data for 49 did not match that previously reported. While not definitively established, we presume that pentacycle 49 differs from the brevenal core at C(23). lithium di-t-butyl biphenylide (LiDBB)
Brevenal Retrosynthesis-2:
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