, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI DIRACsecondary Beams Annual report on Large-area beam tracking detectors for fast extracted beams Task 8 – NUSTAR 3 Participants: Comenius University, Bratislava (leading) GSI, Darmstadt Task leader: Brano Sitar (CUB)
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI Design, production and testing of a low pressure gas system Design, production and testing of a low pressure gas system Design and production of a prototyp of a proportional beam Design and production of a prototyp of a proportional beam chamber BC with delay line chamber BC with delay line Design and production of new electronics for the BC chambers Design and production of new electronics for the BC chambers Main activities and results of NUSTAR 3 in 2005 In time with Implementation plan of Task 8 - NUSTAR 3
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI Front panel of the control system Scheme of low pressure gas system Low pressure gas system Gas system was built and tested (at the FRS) Tests showed high precision and reliability
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI New generation of a Time Proportional Chamber (TPC) for ion tracking TPC with new designed C-pad read out was designed New TPC is providing two point on the track in each dimension High precision integrated delay lines were used TPC Field cage with 12 x 24 cm sensitive area TPC View Calibration tool for TPC
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI BC for Beam Pofile Measurement Multiwire Proportional (Ionization) Chamber Low pressure 0 – 1 bar Low amount of material in the beam area Delay line read-out Beam chamber on the test stand
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI New integrated electronics for TPC and BC chambers New integrated electronics was designed and produced New electronics for readout of 128 channels of BC chambers was obtained Test bench for delay lines Integrated electronic module Readout for 128 channels of the BC chambers
, GSI DarmstadtMartin Winkler, GSI Work Plan and Financial Status In time with Implementation plan of Task 8 - NUSTAR 3 Personal spent CUB: 20 MM out of 90 MM (no EU request) GSI: 4 MM out of 6 MM (no EU request) Capital investment CUB: 10 k€ out of 66 k€ GSI: no contribution, no EU request 1 coordination meeting Delivery and Test Experiment with BC prototype in 2006 foreseen