Mid –Day Meal Scheme Govt. of Haryana ANNUAL WORK PLAN & BUDGET
STRUCTURE OF PPT 1. Section I- Background 2. Section II- Count of Children & Institutions 3. Section III- Allocation & Utilization of funds 4. Section IV- Achievements 5. Section V- Monitoring 6. Section VI- Complaints 7. Section- VII- Sawashtya Karyakaram 8. Section- VIII- Monitoring Report 9. Section- IX- Proposals for year Section- X- Requirements of the funds for the year
MDM, HARYANA Mid-Day-Meal Scheme was launched on 15 August, 1995 in the 44 educationally backward Community Development blocks of 6 districts of the State at primary level. Free dry 3.0 Kg. (1.5 kg wheat and 1.5 kg rice) per child per month was distributed. In cooked food was provided in 17 blocks of these 6 districts- Bhiwani, Hisar, Mahendergarh, Rewari, Kaithal and Sirsa. The State Government spent Rs per child per school day as cooking cost for this. In the year , the scheme of cooked meal was extended to 44 more blocks (educationally backward blocks). In the year itself distribution of dry food 3.0 Kg per child per month was started. In January 2003, cooked food as Mid-Day-Meal was started in 17 blocks. These blocks were having population which was economically backward and educationally backward. The cooked food was served in all the Govt, Local Bodies, Govt Aided Primary Schools from The scheme was extended to all middle schools also during the year
MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Principal Secretary School Education Directorate Elementary Education District Elementary Education Officer Block Elementary Education Officer School 5
THE MDM TEAM State Level: 1. Joint Director MDM: 1 2. General Manager : 1 3. Consultant MDM:1 4. Manager:1 5. Assistants:3 6. Clerk:1 7. Programme Executives:2 8. Date Entry Operator:1 9. Peon:1 6
THE MDM TEAM District Level: 7 Sr.NoName of the PostSanctionedExisting 1District Elementary Education Officer 11 2Programme Executive4022 3Account Executive4013 Sr.NoName of the PostSanctionedExisting 1Block Education Officer11 2Account Executive11917 Block Level:
Count of children covered in Types of SchoolsEnrolment in Beneficiaries in Primary (92.60%) Upper Primary (92.06%) NCLP (81.84%) Total (92.37%) 9
Total count of Primary Institutions and Children Enrolled in The Year Types of Institutions No. of Institutions No. of Children Enrolled (1 to 5) Govt. Primary Schools (Independent) Local Bodies schools (Ambala) 5851 Govt. Aided Schools Total NCLP (Special Training Schools) Grand Total
Total count of Upper Primary Institution and Enrollment in The Year Type Of Institutions No. of Institutions No. of Children Enrolled Govt. Upper Pry School Govt. Aided U.Pry Schools TOTAL
Quantity Of Food Grains-Allocated, Lifted & Utilization for Schools FOODGRAI NS ALLOCATIO N UPTO LIFTING (UPTO ) UTILIZATION (Up to ) Primary (69.66%) (98.95%) Upper Primary (66.60%) (98.93%) Total (68.25%) (98.94%) 12 (Qty in Metric Tonnes)
Total Budgetary allocation for the year PeriodApproved Centre Share Approved State Share TotalExpenditure Up to Allocation upto Released Upto (Rs. in Lakhs)
Budget Allocation & Expenditure on cooking cost upto Budget Allocation & Expenditure on cooking cost upto (Rs. In Lakhs) Class Category Approved BudgetUnspent Balance of last year (CS+SS) Released Amount (CS+SS) Total (CS+SS) Expendit ure Centre Share State Share Total Primary (84.07%) U.Pry (78.31%) NCLP (50.07%) Total (80.94%)
Budget Allocation & Expenditure on Cost of Foodgrains upto Class Category Approved Budget (100% Centrally sponsored) Unspent Balance of last year (CS+SS) Released Amount (CS+SS) Total (CS+SS) Expenditure Primary (81.03%) U.Pry (67.79%) NCLP (32.43%) Total (74.57%) (Rs. In Lakhs)
Budget allocation & Expenditure towards Honorarium for Cook cum Helper 17 StageNo. of Cooks Approv ed by GOI No. of Cooks actually Working Approved budget by GOI Unspent Balance of last year (CS+SS) Released Amount (CS+SS) Total (CS+SS) Expenditure up to Pry (94.25%) U.Pry (66.39%) Total (80.19%) (Rs. In Lakhs)
Budget Allocation & Expenditure on Management Monitoring & Evaulaution(MME) upto Class Category Approved Budget (100% Centrally sponsored) Unspent Balance of last year (CS+SS) Released Amount (CS+SS) Total (CS+SS) Expenditure Primary (17.82%) U.Primary (12.35%) NCLP (2.26%) Total (15 %) (Rs. In Lakhs)
Budget Allocation & Expenditure on Transportation Cost upto Class Category Approved Budget (100% Centrally sponsored) Unspent Balance of last year (CS+SS) Released Amount (CS+SS) Total (CS+SS) Expenditure Primary (48.30%) U.Primary (36.68%) NCLP (15.20%) Total (41.62%) (Rs.In Lakhs)
Hand wash after and before Mid Day Meal 20
Recipes In compliance with the observation of Joint Review Mission deputed by the Government of India recipes have been reviewed so that the children receive the prescribed nutritive value through mid day meal. As per the observation of the mission, more vegetables and pulses have been included. New recipes are as under:- 21 Wheat basedRice Based Missi Roti with seasonal vegetableVegetable Pulao Wheat Flour Halwa with channaPostik Kitchdi Roti with Dal ghiya/ kadduDal Chawal Meetha DaliyaKadi pakora Chawal Wheat Flour Soya Puri with Vegetable Chawal with Channa & Aloo
MID DAY MEAL SUPPLIED BY ISKCON In the Districts namely Faridabad, Gurgaon, Palwal (Except Hathin Block), Kurukshetra (except Shahabad & Babain block) Mid Day Meal is being provided through a NGO i.e. ISKCON Relief Foundation, New Delhi. The State allots them food grains and cooking cost is provided as per the norms fixed by Govt. of India i.e. Rs per primary student & Rs per upper primary student. In addition to this Rs per student is contributed by ISKCON towards cooking cost. 23
Achievements under Mid Day Meal Scheme in Year In Haryana State Honorarium to cooks is Rs. 2500/-per month in which Centre Share is Rs.750/- and State Share is Rs.1750/- per month against the mandatory State share of Rs. 250/- per month from 1 st January All cooks cum helpers are medically examined free of cost twice in a year to avoid engagement of cook cum helpers suffering from contagious diseases. It is proposed to increase the number of health check ups for cooks from twice in a year to quarterly basis. In the year Rs Lacs has been released to provide soaps for washing hands for Pry & U.Pry Schools. The mid day meal is served irrespective of caste creed religion, gender instils a feeling of fraternity in children and lays down a strong foundation from communal harmony. 25
Continued… Participations of the Govt. Particularly the cooks appointed by SHGs who are mostly the mothers of the children studying in that very school. Cooking and serving by them the Mid Day Meal is a very good practice. It has enforced the accountability of Parents and teachers towards society to impart quality education to students. In some of the places, the members of SHGs and students have been motivated to produce the vegetables by making use of available land in the schools effectively. This will not only make the model self sustainable but would also inculcate the habit of self reliance amongst the SHGs and students. All schools in the State have been provided with Thali and Spoon therefore, children do not have to carry their tiffins/ bowl to the school as they have been provided Thali and Spoon in the school. Where there is some shortage that will be sorted out in the coming months. Monitoring cell at State level with dedicated telephone number and address. Helpline numbers and address Advertisement on Radio regarding Mid Day Meal Scheme. 26
Monitoring cell at State level with dedicated telephone number ( ) and address ( Programme & Accounts Executives working at the District and block levels. 28
Continued…. The Department employed 4 monitoring officers at commissionarete level to monitor the scheme. Monitoring officers visited to the schools and send their report to Directorate. These reports have been compiled at Directorate level by the Programme Executives. Action has been taken at Directorate level. Where there is any deficiency found, schools have been directed directly from Directorate. Till now 197 schools has been issued letters on the basis of reports received from Monitoring Officers. 29
Continued…. Complaint received by way of post Total complaints received = 80 Action taken = 80 Dispose off = 38 Under Process= 42 Complaints/suggestions received via Telephone = 16 Action taken = 16 Complaints received via = 1 Action taken= 1 31
Coverage under Rastriya Baal Sawashya Karyakaram (SHP) ParticularsNo of Schools CoveredNo of Children covered Health Check- ups Distribution of Iron & Folic Acid Distribution of Vitamin A Distribution of Deworming Tablets Body weight and height of children and levels of Haemoglobin in Blood tests are being regularly recorded. 2. Problematic cases were immediately referred to Public Health Centres for proper medical assistance.
1 st Half yearly Monitoring Draft Report of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Monitoring Institute) on MID DAY MEAL SCHEME for the State of Haryana for the period of 1 st April, 2014 to 30 th September,2014. Districts Monitored/ Covered Bhiwani, Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Sonipat 36
Monitoring Report by Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (MI) AVAILABILITY OF FOOD GRAINS :- During the visit of MI all samples schools buffer stock of foodgrains was available for atleast one month except 13 schools in Kurukshetra and foodgrains were delivered in all school in time except 2 schools of Karnal District. TIMELY RELEASED OF FUNDS:- There was no delay in releases the funds except for a minor delay in three schools of Kaithal District. AVAILABILITY OF COOKING COST:- All the samples schools were receiving cooking cost in time except for a brief delay in 3 schools of Kaithal Districts. AVAILABLITY OF COOK CUM HELPERS:- Cook cum Helpers were available as per GOI norms all the schools of five districts. It was also observed that Health Check ups has been done in all the schools of Kurukshetra and Karnal but upto a great extent of Bhiwani schools and Kaithal Distrcit schools were uncovered i.e no helath check ups were done in these schools. REGULARITY OF SERVING MEAL :- All the schools of five districts, hot cooked meals were being served daily. 37
Continued…. QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF MEAL :- Majority of the sample school seemed satisfied with the quality and quantity of meal being served to them. VAREITY OF MENU:- In majority of schools menu is decided as per suggested guidelines of Education Department of SMC members collectively decide the menu for the week only recommended food groups are displayed and note the menu and that too near the kitchen are of the schools. DISPLAY OF INFORMATION/LOGO UNDER RTE ACT,2009 at the SCHOOL LEVEL at PROMINANAT PLACE:- In all the schools had displayed the MDM logo in the school near the kitchen but not on the outside wall of the school. Social Equity :- MI did not observed any kind of discrimination regard to gender/caste or community so far as cooking and serving of food or seating arrangements. CONVERGENCE WITH OTHER SCHEMES :- Health cards were maintained in all the samples schools except some schools of Bhiwani. Health checkups were done on half yearly basis in majority of sample schools. SAFETY & HYGEIN :- Children are encouraged to wash hands before and after eating. In most of samples schools due care was being taken to conserve the water. 38
Continued…. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION:- All the sample schools visited by the MI reported fair participation of Parents / SMC / VEC / Panchayats / Urban bodies in daily supervision and monitoring of MDM scheme except some schools of Karnal & Kaithal districts. INSPECTION & SUPERVISION :- Inspection registers were available in majority of the sample schools except some schools of Kurukshetra, Karnal & Bhiwani who did not have any Inspection register. During the monitoring period none of the sample schools of Kurukshetra, Karnal & Bhiwani received any grant under MME but majority of the sample schools of Kaithal district had received funds under MME components. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM:- No formal mechanism of grievance redressal existed at the school level. However department officials informed that such a mechanism existed at the district level.There is a telephone number available at the state level but schools were ignorant about the same. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE MONITORING INSTITUTE:- During the period of monitoring it was observed that concerted efforts are being put in by the state of Haryana in the direction of the effective implementation of the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Absence of any kind of discrimination of caste and creed with regard to either serving or eating of meals is a satisfying indicator of our moving towards a harmonious society. Mid Day meal scheme has the potential of orienting the children towards the need of good nutrition and hygienic habits. For this purpose there is a need to provide for adequate clean eating spaces and hand washing facilities along with insistence on using the same. ACTION TAKEN ON MONITORING REPORT:- All the five Districts Bhiwani, Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra & Sonipat are directed to take action on the monitoring report. 39
Use of fortified wheat floor in one block on pilot basis. To provide first aid kit to all the schools. There is a proposal under consideration to install Fire extinguishers To organise MDM Awareness Mela. To conduct third party evaluation. To organise State workshop to impart training on maintance of record, cash book, storage of food grains, disposal of complaints and maintaining of quality, safety & hygein. Similar training will be imparted at block & cluster level. Strengthening of management, monitoring & evaluation. 41
Children proposed to be covered in Type of SchoolNo. of children Primary Upper Primary NCLP4147 Total
Total requirement of Budget for (Rs. in Lakhs) Center’s ShareState’s ShareTotal
Component wise requirement of Budget for the Year ComponentCentre ShareState ShareTotal requirement for Cost of Food grains Transportation Cost Cooking Cost Honorarium Cook cum Rs.2500/- per month MME Total (Rs.In Lakhs)
Requirement of Budget for the Year (Primary Stage) 46 ComponentCentre ShareState ShareTotal requirement for Cost of Food grains Transportation Cost Cooking Cost Honorarium Cook cum Rs per month i.e. Rs.750/-CS &Rs.1750/- SS MME Total (Rs. In Lakhs)
Requirement of Budget for the Year (Upper Primary Stage) 47 ComponentCentre ShareState ShareTotal requirement for Cost of Food grains Transportation Cost Cooking Cost Honorarium Cook cum Rs per month i.e. Rs.750/-CS &Rs.1750/- SS MME Total (Rs. in Lakhs)
Requirement of Budget for the Year for (National Child Labour Project Schools(NCLP) 48 ComponentCentre ShareState ShareTotal requirement for Cost of Food grains Transportation Cost1.020 Cooking Cost MME1.150 Total (Rs. in Lakhs)
Proposal for MME ParticularsAmount required (Rs.) Salary for General Rs /- per month Consultant Mid Day Rs /- per month Manager Mid Day Rs /- per month Monitoring officers Rs /- per month Salary for Programming Executive per month) Salary for Account Executive per month) TA/DA of Executives/Telephone & Broad band Training to SHG Soap for soap for 20 children per month Rs. 10 per soap Office Expenses Radio Add Rs per month) Total
Tasting of Mid Day Meal by School Head and SMC Members before serving 50