1. Our two-House Congress came about because of what agreement at the Constitutional Convention? 2. Name the two houses of Congress. 3. What branch of government is Congress? 4. What is the main duty of the Congress? 5. What are the requirements to be a member of the House of Representatives? 6. How long a term do Representatives serve? 7. How many terms can they serve? 8. How many total Representatives are in the House of Representatives? 9. What determines the number of Representatives each state is given? 10. What geographic area does each member of the House, represent? 11. What are the requirements to be a Senator? 12.Why are these requirements greater? 13. How many Senators are from each state? 14. How is this determined? 15. What is the length of a Senator’s term? 16. How many terms are Senators allowed to serve? 17. What is the total membership of the Senate? 18. Who do Senators represent in their state? 19. What is the franking privilege? 20. Why is this needed as a power of a Congressmen? 21. Define censure? 22. What can happen to a Congressmen, who has gotten into legal troubles? 23. How long does each Congress serve? 24. How much time does Congress spend meeting every year? 25. What part of the Constitution gives Congress its powers? 26. List the four major terms that all describe powers given only to the Congress? 27. These are other powers that are not written directly into the Constitution, but are deemed necessary? 28. What is meant by the “power of the purse” when speaking of the House of Representatives? 29. Which part of Congress must approve all Treaties made with foreign nations? 30. Which house of Congress has the power to pick a President if no one wins the electoral college? 31. Which house of Congress acts as the jury and decides guilt or innocence in an impeachment? 32. Which house of Congress must approve Presidential appointments to high government positions? P Congress----Legislative Branch 33. Name two other ways in which the power of the Congress is limited in our system? 34. Why does each house of Congress have rules to follow in conducting their business? 35. Why does the House of Representatives have many more rules than the Senate? 36. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? 37. What powers does this person possess? 38. Who is the Constitutional leader of the Senate? 39. What power does this person have? 40. Who is the ceremonial leader of the Senate? 41. The leader in each house of the largest political party is called what? 42. The leader in each house of the smaller political party is called what? 43. What is the job of the party whips in both houses of Congress? 44. How does Congress manage to propose, research, and pass hundreds of laws every year? 45. How do Congressmen get placed onto a committee usually? 46. Who is chosen to be the chairperson in each of these committees? 47. What is the first step in passing a law? 48. What must happen to an idea for a law in order for it to become an official bill in Congress? 49. What happens to a bill after it is introduced? 50. What three basic options might a committee do with a bill after receiving it? 51. If a bill makes it to the debate stage, how are debates different in the House and the Senate? 52. Name the three methods that can be used to vote in Congress? 53. Why are traditional and computerized roll-call votes most often used? 54. In what way must a bill pass each house of Congress? 55. What happens to a bill that has passed both Houses? 56. What four options does the President have after getting a proposed law from Congress? 57. What can happen if the President does veto a bill? 58. What type vote is required to go over a veto?