The Organization of Congress Powers of Congress Representing the Peeps Baker’s Choice How a Bill Becomes a Law
- The official head and leader of the House of Representatives Row Question
- Speaker of the House Row Answer
- The position is usually reserved for the longest serving senator from the majority party Row Question
- President Pro Tempore Row Answer
- What is an oddly shaped district designed to increase the voting strength of a particular group? Row Question
- Gerrymander Row Answer
- What is the title given to the leader of each Congressional committee? Row Question
- Chairman Row Answer
- What are the 5 specific roles a Congressmen has to perform in their job? Row Question
- Policy Maker, Committee Member, Representative, Constituent Servant, and Politician Row Answer
- What are powers listed to Congress in Article I of the Constitution known as? Row Question
- Expressed Powers Row Answer
- What is the two step Congressional process of impeachment? Row Question
-1. House declares impeachment charges -2. The Senate acts as the jury and decides guilt Row Answer
Row Question - What is the name for the powers of Congress that enable the government to work with Congress as part of the “checks and balances system”?
- Non-legislative Powers (i.e. power to impeach, review the executive branch) Row Answer
Row Question - Power to choose the President in case of a tie or no majority in the Electoral college falls to which house of Congress?
- House of Representatives Row Answer
- List three actions Congress CANNOT take Row Question
- Cannot favor one state over another; tax interstate commerce; tax any exports; make laws in areas reserved for states; pass laws that interfere with individual legal rights Row Answer
- What are the three qualifications a person must meet in order to be a Senator? Row Question
- 30 years old; 9 years a U.S. citizen; live in the state you represent Row Answer
- What is the removal of a Congressmen from office known as? Row Question
- Expulsion Row Answer
- What is the Franking Privilege? Row Question
- Free mailings for people in office to send to their constituents Row Answer
- What must the Senate do in order to convict or remove a President from office? Row Question
- 2/3 vote (67 votes) in order to officially remove a government official out of office Row Answer
- What clause allows congress to stretch its original powers to make laws necessary and proper? Row Question
- Elastic Clause Row Answer
- How can Congress override a President’s veto? Row Question
- By a 2/3 vote from both the House of Representatives and the Senate Row Answer
- List four options the President can take when a bill is presented to him Row Question
- Pass It (Sign it into law), Veto it, Pocket Veto it, or simply ignore it Row Answer
- What happens to a bill after it is read and assigned a number? Row Question
- It goes to a standing committee Row Answer
- What is the 2/3 vote of senate that calls for limited debate on a Senate? Row Question
- Cloture Vote Row Answer
- When a standing committee simply ignores a bill, what is that called? Row Question
- Pigeon hole Row Answer
- Which U.S. city was recently named the most dangerous city in America? Row Question
- St. Louis, Missouri Row Answer
- Which cartoon superhero flew around in an invisible jet? Row Question
- Wonder Woman Row Answer
- What music artist sold more records during the 1990’s than anyone else? Row Question
- Shania Twain Row Answer
- A cowboy was going to London on his horse. It took 2 days to get there. He stayed for a day and it took him 1 day to get back! He went on Friday and came back on Friday! How could this be? Row Question
- The horse’s name was Friday Row Answer