Gathering Spheres of Influence As US influence spread our appetite for more respect grew.
On to China… With our acquisition of fueling stations in the Pacific - America can reach China!
China was already influenced… Trade began with China in 1784 They traded people mostly - workers in US Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France and Japan have influence over separate areas in China They trade there - no one else can
The U.S. wanted some influence… US concerned that we were not benefiting from trade with huge parts of China How could the US get a foot in the door with China?
Open Door Policy We write letters to all the concerned parties (Open Door Notes) Convincing them that their economies would benefit from trading with areas outside their influence in China They bought it and we had free trade in China!
What about Japan? Another huge Asian country with great market potential. Opened to trade in 1854 US took in many immigrants, especially on the West coast. West Coast schools segregated the Japanese children…
Japanese Immigrants The Japanese government took this as an insult They decreased trade as a response The US needed to keep Japan as an open market…
Gentlemen’s Agreement Japan would decrease emigration from Japan to the US if… US would end school segregation in the US They agreed = better relationship with Japan
In 1904… Japan and Russia go to war Over Manchuria and Korea The US intercedes, Teddy Roosevelt, brokers an end to hostilities - Why? Wants to uphold the Open Door Policy Afraid of Japan becoming too powerful Both withdraw from the disputed areas T. Roosevelt wins a Nobel Peace Prize
What about Latin America? Why worry about them? Close to US Vulnerable Economic Interests Uphold the Monroe Doctrine Need for a canal through Latin America Latin America did not want American intervention!
But, we made plans anyway… Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Between the US and Great Britain Ensured any canal in Latin America would be politically neutral Teddy Roosevelt really wants a canal and he wants to keep Europe out of Latin America - therefore, we have to reverse the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Great Britain was busy with France and other international concerns - so we move in for the kill… The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty gave the US sole right to any canal built in Latin America. Of course we had to pay for it ourselves too!
Panama Canal Colombia controls Panama Our first job is to get rid of them - we do! Panama sells us the right to the land for the canal until 1999.
Building the Canal… The canal takes… 61million tons of TNT $352 million 5,600 lives 5 million square yards of concrete The canal displaces… Lots of soil!! (19 miles by one city block)
Latin American Policy Roosevelt Corollary Intervention in unstable countries Taft - Dollar Diplomacy Encouragement of investment Wilson - Missionary Diplomacy Support democracy