“Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.” Tom Peters Write then answer: 1. What is the difference between a leader and a manager? 2. How do you go from manager to leader? 3. Does this process happen on it’s own or does it need a push?
Exit Ticket Get out your review sheets It’s going to be a notebook grade based on how much you got done
Boardwarmer Jeopardy Rules: 1.Everyone must participate 2.Captains choose the question 3.Captain chooses who answers 4.Paper passes to a different person every answer 5.Rebound points scored if answering team misses question
By Holli Bowman and Dr. Frank Flanders Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office, July 2001 Go to Last Slide for Directions
History Emblem FFA Creed CDEs FFA Ceremonies
Clue: What year was the FFA founded? Check Your Answer History for 1
Answer: 1928 Back to the Game Board 3 History for 1
Clue: What year did the FFA change it’s name from Future Farmers of America to The National FFA Organization? Check Your Answer History for 2
Answer: 1988 Back to the Game Board History for 2
Clue: What year were girls admitted to the FFA? Check Your Answer History for 3
Answer: 1969 Back to the Game Board History for 3
Clue: In what year did the National FFA Convention move from Kansas City to Louisville? Check Your Answer History for 4
Answer: 1999 Back to the Game Board History for 4
Clue: What was the name of the North Carolina organization for Ag boys in 1920s Check Your Answer History for 5
Answer: Young Tarheel Farmers Back to the Game Board History for 5
Clue: What is the foundation of the FFA Emblem? Check Your Answer Emblem for 1
Answer: A cross-section of an ear of corn. Back to the Game Board Emblem for 1
Clue: What is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil? Check Your Answer Emblem for 2
Answer: The Plow Back to the Game Board Emblem for 2
Clue: Where does the owl appear in the FFA emblem? Check Your Answer Emblem for 3
Answer: On top of the plow Back to the Game Board Emblem for 3
Check Your Answer Emblem for 4 Clue: What symbol signifies that the FFA is a national organization
Answer: The eagle Back to the Game Board Emblem for 4
Clue: What are the six parts of the FFA emblem? Check Your Answer Emblem for 5
Answer: The owl, eagle, cross-section of a ear of corn, plow, rising sun and the words Agricultural Education and the letters FFA Back to the Game Board Emblem for 5
Clue: The first two words in each paragraph of the FFA Creed are. Check Your Answer Creed for 1
Answer: I believe Back to the Game Board Creed for 1
Clue: Who wrote the FFA Creed? Check Your Answer Creed for 2
Answer: E.M. Tiffany Back to the Game Board Creed for 2
Clue: What year was the Creed first adopted by the FFA? Check Your Answer Creed for 3
Answer: 1930 at the 3 rd National FFA Convention Back to the Game Board Creed for 3
Clue: The creed is a basic statement of __________ and a common bond between members Check Your Answer Creed for 4
Answer: beliefs. Back to the Game Board Creed for 4
Clue: Learning the FFA Creed is a requirement for earning which FFA degree. Check Your Answer Creed for 5
Answer: Greenhand Back to the Game Board Creed for 5
Clue: Which FFA CDE requires students to know the name of common trees of the forest. Check Your Answer CDEs for 1
Answer: Forestry Back to the Game Board CDEsfor 1
Clue: In which CDE do members identify tools and learn their uses Check Your Answer CDEs for 2
Answer: Tools and Materials Back to the Game Board CDEs for 2
Clue: In which FFA CDE do students evaluate live hogs, cattle and sheep Check Your Answer CDEs for 3
Answer: Livestock Evaluation/ Judging Back to the Game Board CDEs for 3
Clue: In which FFA CDE do 6 members conduct a meeting and perform certain abilities Check Your Answer CDEs for 4
Answer: Parliamentary Procedure Back to the Game Board CDEs for 4
Clue: In which FFA CDE do members shoot clay birds and targets with firearms, shoot bows and arrows and complete a compass course Check Your Answer CDEs for 5
Answer: Hunter Safety Back to the Game Board CDEsfor 5
Clue: During the FFA Opening Ceremony, what officer is stationed by the Emblem of Washington? Check Your Answer FFA Ceremonies for 1
Answer: Treasurer Back to the Game Board FFA Ceremonies for 1
Question: Where is the Vice President stationed? Check Your Answer FFA Ceremonies for 2
Answer: Plow Back to the Game Board FFA Ceremonies for 2
Clue: What is the full name of the person who wrote the creed? Check Your Answer FFA Ceremonies for 3
Answer: Erwin Milton Tiffany Back to the Game Board FFA Ceremonies for 3
Clue: Where is the advisor stationed? Check Your Answer FFA Ceremonies for 4
Answer: Owl Back to the Game Board FFA Ceremonies for 4
Check Your Answer FFA Ceremonies for 5 Clue: Who is stationed by the flag?
Answer: Reporter Back to the Game Board FFA Ceremonies for 5
Final Jeopardy Write points wager Then answer question What is the response to the essential part of the FFA mission statement? Premier leadership, personal growth, career sucess
Customizing the Quiz Show Template The Blank Quiz Show Review is ready for you to customize. This presentation is designed to be a review for a unit. You make up the categories, Clues and answers, then show the review to your class using a scan converter or projector. All the hyperlinks connecting the points on slide two to the correct Clues have already been created. Once you have created one review, you can give the blank PowerPoint show and these directions to students and assign them to create the next review. Students, in groups of five, can make up 5 Clues each: one for each category, or each in charge of a category of their own. 1. Double-click on the quiz show template file “Blank Quiz Show Review” to open it. 2. Click on File and Save As to give the quiz show template a new file name. This way you can save the blank copy to use again. 3. Change the view to Slide Sorter from the View Menu. 4. From the Edit menu, choose Replace. In the first line of the box that appears, type History, then tab to the second line. Type in your first category name. Click on the Replace All button. You should get a message that 11 changes were made, and you should be able to see the changes in the slides. 5. Repeat this process to change all your general “topics” to your specific topic names. When you are finished, switch back to Slide View from the View Menu. 6. Go to Slide 3 by clicking on the double down-arrow at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar. 7. Click after the colon in the text box reading "Clue:" to type in your first Clue. 8. Go to Slide 4. Click after the colon in the text box reading "Answer:" to type in the answer to your first Clue. 9. Repeat with all slides in the quiz show presentation. Don't forget to save your work every few minutes by clicking on the third icon on the top toolbar (looks like a floppy disk). 10. Showing the presentation: Open the new document in PowerPoint. From the View menu, choose Slide Show. To link to the Clues from slide 2, move the mouse over a number so that a hand appears. Click on the number. You must do the same to go back to the gameboard on each answer slide. DO NOT click on the slide just ANYWHERE. That will take you to the next slide instead of back to the gameboard. Make sure ONLY to click when you see the hand indicating a hyperlink. Click Here to go to First Slide
Jeopardy Quiz Game Suggested instructions for playing the game with a class: 1. Project the game onto a large screen or use a large computer monitor at the front of the class. 2. Divide the class into teams of up to four players. Have any other students count off 1 to 4 and sit in the audience. 3. Provide each team with a flashlight, whistle, or other means of "buzzing-in" to indicate they know the answer. 4. Appoint a scorekeeper. 5. Appoint a reader to read each question to the group. 6. The teacher or a student can act as moderator. 7. Let the first team select a category. 8. Once the question pops up, the first team to "buzz-in" gets to try to answer the question. 9. Add or deduct the number of points corresponding to the number they selected under the category. 10. If the first team misses, the remaining teams can buzz-in and answer the question. 11. If no team knows the answer, the audience is given the opportunity to answer. The first person to raise his or her hand and answer correctly receives the points for the team that corresponds to their number. 12. Go back to the game board and let the team who answered correctly select the next category and point value. 13.This power point may include a slide with a list of terms the teacher may wish to print out to assist the students during the game. Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Click Here to go to First Slide Click Here to go to customizing your own quiz game