ELAG : Library Systems Seminar – 26 Roma – Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Aprile 2002 THE SEMANTIC WEB AND LIBRARIES
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani FRBR and revision of cataloguing rules Isa de Pinedo, Alberto Petrucciani RICA Standing Committee
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani 1. RICA–Regole italiane di catalogazione per autori – Italian Authors’ Cataloguing Rules Published by ICCU in 1979 RICA represent a national consistent set of requirements, based on Paris Principles and on ISBDs: a de facto national cataloguing code Italian National Bibliography – BNI’s records are created according to RICA requirements since 1981 RICA are mainly dedicated to choice and form of authors headings To keep RICA updated a SC was set up in 1997
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani 2. FRBR model’s innovations and its application to a catalogue The model provides for responsibility relations to be analitically individuated and linked to their proper titles The content of items is analyzed from a textual point of view The distinction between responsibilities are no more hierarchycally ruled by the main work Titles are acquiring new priorities in the whole registration Aggregate and component parts, as well as analytics, are presenting particular features deserving a more accurate exemplification
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani 3. Problems, solutions envisaged, questions to discuss Redundancy and cost/benefits considerations “Unicellular bibliographic families” Library’s & users’ interest in the identification of complementary contributions Entity definitions and relations The sharp separation between textual and formal differences The definition of the expression on the basis of a complete textual identity The application of the same pattern both to work of complex tradition and to products of contemporary publishing Entity identification elements Standard formulation for entities identifying elements
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani 4. A reduced FRBR model application A tailored model to be progressively completed according to: a) the evolving features of the entities b) different services supplied by specialized libraries Nothing would impede creating the original record according to the full FRBR model if its application will result functionally effective for the catalogue. A reasonable level of compatibility with the logic of the FRBR model can be achieved without duplicating its structure exactly in the organization of rules, the structuring of a database, or the format of records.
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani 4. A reduced FRBR model application (follows) Records for works Records for expressions Records for Manifestations Aggregate Works Aggregate Expressions Analitics
Isa de Pinedo - Alberto Petrucciani Conclusions In our opinion for an effective application of the FRBR model as a general framework to a new caloguing code it would be necessary to work on: the possibility of using a taylored structure of the FRBR model an entity’s identification not related to content a standards definition of entities’ formulation a re-assessment of “authorship”’s concept the possibility of using the identifying control number for the name authority record the possibility of reflecting additional relationships through links qualified by a code, according to different roles played