Andreas Rauter, UNIQA REPARIS Workshop, Vienna March 15, 2006 Enforcement of IFRS - the view of an institutional investor the view of an institutional investor
2 Investors Position “Usefulness for Decision-Making” Reporting on past periods not the only focus Valuation questions at B/S date include more and more judgement on future cash-flows Value of future cash-flows have to consider risk and uncertainty Judgement on “Usefulness of Financial Information” is complex
3 Existing Practice No harmonized Monitoring & Enforcement different EU Stock-Exchanges have different approaches and mechanism for ensuring adequate financial reporting. Stock-Exchange-Regulators do not have the focus on Quality and “Decision-usefulness” of IFRS-Reporting Enforcement Steps are usually only taken in case of complains and introduced court actions Enforcement steps are taken quite late – often too late to limit the risk or loss of investors
4 Relevance of Accounting Figures Basis for key financials and expected return IPO starts with business plans to be tracked expectations have to true up in true performance in subsequent years or a clear and timely Reassess the Gap between Net Asset Value per share and listed Stock Price Changes in estimates and risks have to be considered Accurate information is the underlying basis Financial Reporting is more and more driven by assessing the future development and relevant risks
5 Threats of miss-leading Financial Information Wrong basis for decisions Inaccurate Profits/Equity stated economic development not transparent or reflected in Financial Information No intervention against fraud and error on a timely basis without court action Loss of confidence in the capital markets
6 The Role of the Auditor Sound and proof technical skills to assess “Decision-usefulness” but “Principle-based” IFRS cause sometimes different interpretations and Accounting recognition of similar transactions Not “fully” independent from Audit client
7 The Role of the Stock-Exchanges ensure active capital markets transparent and timely information discipline in ensuring high quality level for investors relations no arbitrary utilization of information
8 Examples of potential Problems Mud-slinging / anonymous Notifications trigger event for intervention pre-selection by staff members Qualification and independence of staff & executives Big Four loan-staffing?
9 Enforcement Authorities: Expectations Independent institutional Oversight Free of contractual obligations with reporting entities Independence from International Networks, Private Associations and Standard-Setters Intervention in case of Infringements Efficient Monitoring to take measures right in time No extra-burden for companies by excessive reporting requests and monitoring interventions
10 Enforcement Authorities: Major Challenges Guarantee independence from State / Listed Companies / Stock-Exchange / Audit firms Ensure best practice of IFRS understanding and level of tolerance Ensure technical skills of key personnel
11 Summary Expectations: Harmonised Enforcement upon Europe effective measures and intervention Useful Information - fair and timely presented Stable trust in capital markets
Thank you!