Global Climate Crisis Stephen Norcross C PD
In 2005 alone 7.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide (Co2) was released into the ozone ripping a larger hole in our defenses against the suns harmful rays.
globalwarming.htm A petrochemical plant spews flue gas at dawn. Such greenhouse gases are contributing to changes in climate.
The 90’s was the hottest decade in 1,000 years with ‘98 the hottest year in a millennium
The suns rays sneak through the hole in the ozone only to radiate our planet increasing the planets temperature and melting polar ice caps.
In 2001 is was assessed that 13,000sq km of polar ice caps had melted since the 1970’s
/The-REAL-inconvenient-truth- Zealotry-global-warming-damage-Earth- far-climate-change.html A polar bear struggles to stay a float as the ice melts beneath.
Please join The Following Thom YorkeTake action and switch to renewable Radioheadenergy sources Phish Jack Johnson For more info go to: Willie Drake Tony Hawk Dave Mathews The Roots Al Gore and many more… at reducing our carbon footprint and stopping Global Warming.
Sites Zealotry-global-warming-damage-Earth-far-climate-change.html / Grolier encyclopedia “Global Warming” Grolier encyclopedia “Global climate change”