Stevia natural way to sweeten your life
Stevia sweetener of the future
leaves (fresh, dried, ground) liquid extracts powdered extracts other forms (Stevia blends)
Stevia is adaptable and capable of being cultivated in different climate zones Propagation through seeds is very difficult due to self-incompatibility which results in sterile seeds in vitro propagation is an alternative technique for rapid multiplication of stevia within a short span of time it will be done in the School Micropropagation laboratory
A- induction of shoot buds B- induction and proliferation of multiple shoots C- rooting in vitro D- well rooted in vitro generated plantlets E- initial stage of acclimatization in sterile sand F- advanced stage of acclimatization in sand, soil and farm yard manure
Food companies Plant pharmacies University of Agriculture in Zagreb (scientific research on Stevia is carried out by the Faculty departments at their laboratories) EU as a great potential market
Bio Stevia Ltd. is the only company currently on the Croatian market Potential market is quite large and is still expanding
Design a web page Put advertisments in the newspapers Cooperation with the University of Agriculture in Zagreb and Osijek Cooperation with Bio Stevia Ltd. Raising public awareness on using Stevia as a natural sweetener
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.