JARDUERA: Britainia Handiko Eskultorea. Jane Hamilton Britainia Handiko eskultore baten biografia emango zaie ikasleei ingelesez, eta hori irakurri ostean,


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Presentation transcript:

JARDUERA: Britainia Handiko Eskultorea

Jane Hamilton Britainia Handiko eskultore baten biografia emango zaie ikasleei ingelesez, eta hori irakurri ostean, eskultoreari buruzko informazio gehigarria bilatu beharko dute (obrak, joerak...). Gero, klasean eztabaidatuko dugu informazio hori, guztion artean batu duguna aztertuz.

Biography Her formal training began at The Falmouth School of Art, then on to The City and Guilds Art School in London, and at a later period, part-time at The Sir John Cass School of Art, also in London. Jane has always been interested in sculpting the human form and in using it to express emotions and feelings that touch us all. She spent six years of her childhood in West Africa and, although young, this made an unconsciously deep and lasting impression which is evident in some of her work. Dance is also a vehicle with which she finds expression for her sculpture. Jane has been sculpting professionally for more than twenty years now. The bulk of her work during the last ten years has been portraiture, though figures and animals do appear throughout. Her work has been accepted and exhibited by many societies, including The Royal Academy, London and The Society of Portrait Sculpture, London, as well as in private collections in America, New Zealand, Canada, Nigeria, Hong Kong and England. She currently lives and works in Oxfordshire, with her husband, Simon Allison, and their children Jane was born in March 1950, in England. She went to a school that encouraged arts in general and at 14 she discovered sculpture and Michaelangelo. She was greatly inspired by his work, and on leaving school travelled to Italy and subsequently spent periods of time there, generally studying and drawing while working in other ways to pay her way.

Edukiak eta Helburuak HELBURUAKKONTZEPTUZKO EDUKIAK PROZEDURAZKO EDUKIAK JARRERAZKO EDUKIAK Testua irakurriz ideia nagusiak ulertu eta ateratzen lortzea. Biografiaren antolaketa ezagutzea. Atzerriko hizkuntzako kulturaren alderdiak ezagutzea. Atzerriko hizkuntzan informazio gehigarria bilatzeko erraztasuna izatea. Ingalaterrako eskultore baten biografiaren irakurketa. Biografiaren antolaketarako eredua. Informazio bilketa atzerriko hizkuntzan. Biografiaren ideia nagusiak ulertu eta ateratzea. Internet edo beste edozein baliabidetan testuari lotutako datu berriak edo gehigarriak bilatzea. Klasean eztabaidatu aurkitutako datuak, eta guztien artean osotu. Atzerriko kulturen alderdi esanguratsuetara irekita egotea. Interesatzen zaien edo behar duten edozein gairen buruzko informazioa bilatzeko autonomia. Besteen lanarekiko errespetua.