The Growth of Towns SEC 3 Ch. 5
The Rights of Townspeople As towns started to grow. People started to realize they did not fit into the manorial system. They started to make their living by making and trading goods. Lords still controlled the towns. They expected something in return. Most towns won self- government by peaceful and sometimes violent means.
Charters Some lords granted Charters to towns. Written statement of a towns rights. Most people in towns in Europe gained 4 basic rights. 11. Freedom -- Lived in a town for 1 yr and a day. Included serfs that escaped from manors. 22. Exemption -- Free from ever working on the manor. 33. Town Justice -- Towns had their own courts 44. Commercial Privileges - - Could sell goods freely in the town.
Guilds As trade increased and towns grew larger, Merchants and workers united in associations called GUILDS. Each town had a Merchant Guild -- Only people from that town could trade there. Outsiders had to pay a fee. Took care of members families.
Guilds Craft Guilds formed out the workers. Each guild had members from a single craft. Ex. Shoemaker, weavers They set the wages, hours and working conditions. Set standards for quality of work. Also looked after other members
Training of Skilled Workers Three step in becoming a skilled worker. Apprentice -- Training could take 5 to 9 years. Parents paid the master to teach the boy. Journeyman -- a skilled worker that was paid a wage. A Journeyman could only become a master by making a masterpiece. Had to be approved by the other masters If approved he could open up his own shop.
The Middle Class These master and merchants became the Middle Class They were neither nobles nor peasants The middle class favored the kings over the nobles. Kings protected trade and business. Kings looked to middle class for advice. Middle Class received Government jobs. Started to gain power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!