Coordinated by: CARBOOCEAN Integrated ProjectContract No (GOCE) Global Change and Ecosystems Core Theme V report on future work
WP11. Model performance assessment and initial fields for scenarios (lead: Heinze). D11.3 Quality assessment of present day BOGCM simulations in form of written summary (month 18, done - but will go on further, see D11.6, Joos, Heinze). D11.6 Extended comparison between model and observations and consistency check with other model approaches. Breakdown into regions (data synthesis regions, comparison with inverse study –Michailoff-Fletcher, Markus’ inverse analysis), add CFCs, 14 C (natural) for off-line model circulations), nutrients, oxygen. (month 36, Joos) D 11.7 atmospheric pCO 2 comparison (also seasonal cycle, interhemispheric gradient, IPSL+Hadley, potentially for others (month 42, Bopp) D 11.8 Decadal variability in the models, can we compare model variabilities with observations, O 2, other tracers, nutrients, DIC? (month 42, Froelicher, Heinze)
WP17. Coupled climate carbon cycle simulations (lead: Bopp). D17.5 Carbon cycle data sets from 5 BOGCMs for basic future scenarios (month 18-24, new date month 30, Totterdell, Heinze, Assmann, Sturm et al) D17.8 Compilation of new scenarios for and further simulations & analysis on the period (month 30) Done (a) 0 emissions after 2100 (b) 2100 emissions after Damian’s emissions scenarios, must be clarified for global emissions, Fortunat could possibly perform run with educed complexity model, Christoph Voelker: A2 + European anomaly scenarios), Labs: IPSL, Bern, others? (month 30, all, Joos will write short note) D17.9 C4MIP ocean intercomparison (publication) (month 36, Bopp) D17.10 O 2, decadal variability, century scale, future analysis, link to WPs 11 and 10 (month 42, Joos, Froehlicher) D17.11 Analysis of export production of POC, CaCO3, future analysis (check overlap with WP11) (month 36, B. Schneider, Joos) D7.12 Uncertainty estimate: ocean only runs with NCEP or else (daily forcing), compare with ESM-results, see whether decadal variability is in same range, compare specific years in order to see what is missed, analyse in context of reduced uptake in S.O. and N.Atl (month 42, Segschneider? or somebody else responsible)
WP18. Feasibility study on purposeful carbon storage (lead: Rehder). Insight in high CO2-related processes will be increased by looking at a natural system of liquid emissions of CO2 from a phase-separating hydrothermal field on a cruise scheduled for Feb-March 2008 Deliverables D18.3 Parameters for near-range geochemical kinetics and phase transfer for deep ocean storage (month 36) D18.4 Improved quantification of liquid CO2 near-range behaviour at the seafloor (month 30) D18.5 Global scale high resolution modelling of CO2 release (month 36) Milestones and expected results M18.3 Experimental results for geochemical kinetic and phase transfer parameters for deep water injection (month 36) M18.4 Near range model runs based on most recent geochemical kinetic and phase transfer parameterisations (month 30) M18.5 First run of CO2 release scenario using a high-resolution (¼ º x ¼ º) global model (month 36) M18.6 Scientific expedition to a natural liquid CO2 seepage site 1600 m (month 39-40)