Energy Efficiency Lighting Sponsor: Presentation by: Jack Ko, CTS Deputy Director Renesola Ltd. Virtus® modules From Superior Ingot to Excellent Modules
Introduction of Virtus® Wafer manufacture Characteristics of Virtus® I module Characteristics of Virtus® II module Summary
Multi IngotMono IngotVirtus® Ingot Growth methodDSSCz methodControlled DSS Crystalline waySeedlessSeed Crystalline growth controlRandom nucleationSeedingControlled nucleation Ingot size Kg120 Kg Kg Grain OrientationRandomSinglePreferred Production costLowerHighLow
Lower LID (Light Induced Degradation), Lower power loss in higher temperature, Cost reduction (wafer and cell cost), Identical power output, Virtus® I moduleMono module
Mono WaferVirtus® I Wafer Growth methodsCz method -120KgModified DSS Kg Nucleation waySeed growth Crystalline growth controlSeedingControlled nucleation Cell efficiencyHigh Oxygen concentrationHighLOW LIDHighLOW Production costHighLOW Mono-wafer has higher efficiency, oxygen concentration which cause high LID due to the high recombination of the B-O complex. Virtus® wafer has high cell efficiency, low oxygen concentration, and low LID.
Temperature coefficient of power (%/ o C) Light induced degradation (%) Lower oxygen concentration creates less B-O complex in Virtus wafer. Lower temperature coefficient of power and light induced degradation.
Module level Mono module Virtus® I module Power range (W) Maximum power (W)260 Average power (W)255 Average efficiency15.7% Power loss (CTM loss)4.5%2.0% Temperature coefficient of power-0.43%/ o C-0.39%/ o C Light induced degradation (LID)-3%-2% Module costHighLow
Higher power output, Higher performance with the same cost, The same LID, The same CTM loss,
Multi WaferVirtus® II Wafer Crystalline waySeedlessSeed Crystalline growth controlRandom nucleationControlled nucleation Grain orientationRandomPreferred Grain uniformityRandomUniform Cost-performanceLowhigh
Conventional multi-ingot Virtus® II ingot 1.Conventional multi-ingot has disadvantage of poor grain distribution and low-lifetime. 2.Virtus® ingot improves the distribution of grain size and lifetime. 3.Virtus® ingot provides higher lifetime and lower dislocation density.
Multi –crystalline waferVirtus® A++ wafer
Multi-crystalline cellsVirtus® II cells Efficiency~17.0% Efficiency~17.6%
Module level Multi- modules Virtus® II modules Power range (W) Maximum power (W) Average power (W) Average efficiency (%) Temperature coefficient of powerLow Light induced degradation (LID)Low Cost-performanceLowHigh
Major defects of conventional multi-crystalline wafers can be reduced by the innovative controlled DSS method Virtus® I module provides better temperature coefficient of power and lower light induced degradation compared to mono modules Virtus® II wafer increases cell efficiency due to higher lifetime, lower dislocation and uniform grain size. Virtus® II module shows better performance and the same production cost of multi module. Module types Wattage Range (60 pcs module) Production CostDefect ratioAppearance Mono WHigherlowerEven Virtus® I WMedium Uneven pattern Multi WLowerHigherEven Virtus® II WLowestMediumEven
Advanced Power Warranty -Virtus I –plus & Virtus II –plus modules For Virtus series module series To reduce LID, we add a new sorting criteria for customer to reduce LID issue. Positive tolerance range from (0W to +5W) to (+5W to +10W) New Power Warranty standard From 90% (10yr) and 80% (25yr) to 92% (10yr) and 82% (25yr) +2% total output guarantee for 25 yrs.