ERT 216/4 HEAT & MASS TRANSFER Sem 2/ Prepared by; Miss Mismisuraya Meor Ahmad School of Bioprocess Engineering University Malaysia Perlis
Course Objectives ERT 216 (CO) CO1: Ability to calculate mode of heat transferred CO2: Ability to calculate mode of mass transferred CO3: Ability to evaluate heat transfer knowledge as well as designing heat transfer equipment
Teaching plan Lecturer: miss mismisuraya bt meor ahmad Minggu/WeekKandungan Kursus / Course Contents (Panduan/Guidelines) Week 1 Introduction Define and discuss the mechanism of heat transfer. Recognize and calculate fourier’s law. Differentiate conduction, convection and radiation. Recognize and calculate thermal conductivity of materials Week Principles of steady-state heat transfer: Conduction heat transfer Calculate the conduction heat transfer through flat slab, hollow cylinder, hollow sphere, flat slab in series, multilayer cylinder, combined convection and conduction and overall coefficient, conduction with internal heat generation and critical thickness of insulation of cylinder (CO1) -- Lab 1: Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gas -- Lab 2: Linear and Radial Heat Conduction Week Principles of steady-state heat transfer: Convection heat transfer Calculate the convection heat transfer through forced convection heat transfer inside pipe (dimensionless no.), heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow inside pipe, heat transfer coefficient for turbulent flow inside pipe, heat transfer coefficient for transition flow inside pipe, heat transfer coefficient outside various geometries in forced convection and natural convection heat transfer (CO1) -- Lab 3: Free and Force Convection Heat Exchanger Week 7 Principles of steady-state heat transfer: Radiation heat transfer Calculate the convection heat transfer through radiation from small object from surrounding, emission of radiation, black body, gray body and combined radiation and convection (CO1) ******** Mid-Term Examination 1 Week 8 Mid-Semester Break
Teaching plan Lecturer: MR. Zulfakar mokhtar Week Heat transfer equipment: Heat Exchanger Calculate the heat exchanger through the overall heat-transfer coefficient and Fouling Factors, types of heat exchanger and methods required for the design of heat exchanger. Heat transfer equipment: Evaporator Define and Discuss the types of evaporation equipment, processing factors, methods of operation of evaporators and evaporation of biological materials. Calculate the heat and mass balances for evaporators, effects of processing variables on evaporator operation, boiling point rise of solutions and enthalpy-concentration charts of solutions (CO3) -- Lab 4: Plate Heat Exchanger Week 11 Heat transfer equipment: Dryer Define and Discuss the general drying methods, types of dryer, vapor pressure of water and drying of biological materials. Calculate the humidity, wet bulb temperature, adiabatic saturation temperature, moisture and rate of drying curves (CO3) Week 12 Heat transfer equipment: Agitated Vessel Define and discuss the equipment for agitation. Calculate the power used in agitated vessel, agitator scale-up, mixing times and heat transfer in agitated vessel. (CO3) Week Principles of Mass Transfer Calculate the mechanism and principles of mass transfer through FIck’s law, moleculardiffusion in gases, liquids and solid, molecular diffusion in biological solution and gels and convective mass transfer. -- Lab 5: Liquid Diffusion Coefficient (CO2) ******** Mid-Term Examination 2 ******** Lab Test Week 16 Study Week
LAB Lab 1 : To determine thermal conductivity of liquid and gas Lab 2 : To investigate the thermal conductivity of brass in linear and radial direction Lab 3 : To demonstrate the relationship between power input and surface temperature in free and forced convection Lab 4 : To determine the effect of flow rate variation on the plate heat exchanger Lab 5 : To determine liquid diffusion coefficient Thursday ( )
LAB briefing Lab briefing by MR. AHMAD RADI WAN YAAKUB 23 February pm ANALYTICAL LAB COMPULSORY!!!
1)Lectures: 42 hours 2)Labs: 12 hours 3)Tutorials: 16 hours LEARNING APPROACH
1)Examination (70 %) Mid Term: 20 % Final Exam: 50 % 2) Course work (30 %) Assignments: 10 % Quizzes: 5 % Laboratory: 15 % Evaluation contribution
text books RM 70RM 76