Paragraph Essay Format Seventh Grade Paragraph Essay Format
1. THE TOPIC SENTENCE Should NOT be one word! i.e. “No.” “Yes.” Should NOT include “because” Should NOT begin with “I think” or “I believe” Should be specific and explain your position Example: The existence of Ellis Island was both positive and negative.
2. Reasons Should include AT LEAST THREE reasons Should support your topic sentence Should start with a transition word/phrase EXAMPLE: First, the health inspection helped stop the spread of contagious diseases.
3. Supporting Examples and Explanations Should use SPECIFIC examples from the unit for each reason Can use “because” or “so” to link them to the reason Can be in the same sentence as the main reason on in a separate sentence EXAMPLE: First, the health inspection helped stop the spread of contagious diseases like trachoma, an eye disease that could cause blindness. (one sentence)
3. Supporting Examples and Explanations First, the health inspection helped stop the spread of contagious diseases. For example, trachoma, an eye disease that could cause blindness, was often treated before spreading. (two sentences)
4. Conclusion Should wrap up the essay and let the reader know that the essay is done. Should sound different than your topic sentence EXAMPLE: Although elements of Ellis Island were negative, overall the immigration process was reasonable and just.
The Topic Sentence & the Conclusion The topic sentence and conclusion should connect but not be the same. Topic sentence: The existence of Ellis Island was both positive and negative. Conclusion: Although elements of Ellis Island were negative, overall the immigration process was reasonable and just.
Paragraph Essay Example The existence of Ellis Island was both positive and negative. The health inspection helped stop the spread of contagious diseases like trachoma, an eye disease that could cause blindness. In addition, Ellis Island officials did not discriminate. For instance, literacy tests were offered in every language so no one would be at a disadvantage. However, the process at Ellis Island was also negative because families could be separated. One member might be sent back while the others were allowed to stay. Although elements of Ellis Island were unfair, overall the immigration process was reasonable and just.
NOTE: This paragraph essay format will be used for all core classes. This assignment is due in Social Studies Wednesday, 9/21