Supersaturation and Diet Coke and Mentos By Michael Neal
Supersaturation A solution in supersaturation contains more dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent under normal conditions. Can be caused by a change in temperature, volume, or pressure.
Decompression Sickness In deep dives the body becomes super saturated with breathing gases A rapid ascent causes a rapid decrease in pressure Gas bubbles form in the body
Diet Coke and Mentos Why? Diet Coke supersaturated with CO 2 Decrease in pressure, CO 2 escapes slowly Nucleation due to mentos speeds up reaction
Nucleation Phase transition in small region In liquid saturated with CO 2, nucleation occurs on surfaces in the liquid
Surface of Mentos Mint Mentos Fruit Mentos 4-1_567.jpg
Result Rapid Release of CO 2 = Diet Coke eruption
Demonstrations eyser/
Fun things you can do Geyser Tube Diet Coke Bomb Prank Set a New World Record (more than 1,911 simultaneous geysers)
Sources science-of-mentosdiet-coke-explosions- explained.html science-of-mentosdiet-coke-explosions- explained.html ness ness