Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 1 Tau-pair and SUSY analysis for ILD optimization in Jupiter/Marlin framework Taikan Suehara ICEPP, The.


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Presentation transcript:

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 1 Tau-pair and SUSY analysis for ILD optimization in Jupiter/Marlin framework Taikan Suehara ICEPP, The Univ. of Tokyo

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 2 Overview –Physics processes for detector optimization –Analysis framework (Jupiter/Marlin) Tau-pair analysis –Analysis overview and flow –A FB analysis –A pol analysis including  and  0 reconstruction SUSY analysis –Smuon/neutralino mass determination Plans & SummaryTopics

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 3 Overview –Physics processes for detector optimization –Analysis framework (Jupiter/Marlin) Tau-pair analysis –Analysis overview and flow –A FB analysis –A pol analysis including  and  0 reconstruction SUSY analysis –Smuon/neutralino mass determination Plans & Summary

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 4 Benchmark processes: Physics process for optimization Processes (e + e -  ) √S (GeV) ObservablesComments ZH, ZH  e + e - X,250 , m H m H =120GeV, test materials and  ID      X250 , m H m H =120GeV, test  P/P ZH, H  cc, Z  250Br(H  cc)Test heavy flavour tagging and anti- tagging of light quarks and gluon, Z  qq250Br(H  qq)Same as above in multi-jet env. Z*      500  A FB, Pol(  Test  0 reconstruction and  rec. aspects of PFA tt, t  bW, W  qq’500  A FB, m top Test b-tagging and PFA in multi-jet events. m top =175GeV           500  m  Point 5 of Table 1 of BP report. W/Z separation by PFA

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 5 Analysis framework StdHep File GLD-origin Jupiter-slcio converter ROOT file -> LCIO file LDC-origin Slcio-JSF converter LCIO file LCIO file -> ROOT file For Tau-pairFor SUSY Directly attached to Jupiter

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 6 Compared geometries GeometryGldapr08 (large,low B) Gldprim_v04 (medium) J4ldc_v04 (small high B) Magnetic field3 Tesla3.5 Tesla4 Tesla TPC drift region Rmin 43.7 cm43.5 cm34 cm ECAL Rmin210 cm185 cm160 cm ECAL total thickness 19.8 cm HCAL total thickness 120 cm109 cm96 cm TPC Z half length 250 cm225 cm206 cm CAL Z half length 270 cm235 cm210 cm

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 7 Overview –Physics processes for detector optimization –Analysis framework (Jupiter/Marlin) Tau-pair analysis –Analysis overview and flow –A FB analysis –A pol analysis including  and  0 reconstruction SUSY analysis –Smuon/neutralino mass determination Plans & Summary

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 8 Event characteristics –2 jets (+ ISR/FSR photons) –1 or 3 prongs/jet, very condensing (taus in 500 GeV beam are highly boosted) –Cross section is large, ~2 pb -1 Event samples –57000 events (25 fb -1 ) in each GLD, GLD’, LDC geometries using SLAC stdhep files Left and right initial beam polarization are supplied separately. –25000 events in GLD (slightly old configuration) using physia (polarization effects are not included) Observables , total and differential cross section –A FB, forward-backword asymmetry –A pol, polarization asymmetry (paticularly in polarized beams) Tau-pair events Typical event

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 9 Decay modes in A pol analysis Branching ratio: 17.8% 3 body decay; pol. info is smeared  -> e Branching ratio: 17.4% 3 body decay; same as e mode  ->  Branching ratio: 10.9% Pol. can be directly observed by  distribution (Back to back  s are required because of missing neutrino)  ->  Branching ratio: 25.2% Pol. of  can be obtained by  distribution in  -rest frame (pol. of  is connected to pol. of  ) Back to back is not required  ->  ->  Branching ratio: 9.3% Currently not used because statistics is low  -> a1  a1  -> 

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 10 Analysis flow Original jet finder in Marlin processor Currently better than durhamycut method 2 jet fix is not used because of ISR/FSR PFO particles Jets 71% 22% No, 4.4% 1.3% Yes, 13% 8.6% 7.0%

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 11 GeometryA FB (edge only)A FB (full range) Gldapr08:65.71±0.26%,49.76±0.17% Gldprim:64.99±0.27%,49.73±0.17% J4ldc:65.30±0.26%,49.44±0.17% Error value is extrapolated to 500 fb -1 (for 25 fb -1, ~1.2% & 0.7%) Tau A FB result SM calculation (Red: left, Blue: right) (stat. error only)

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 12  /  0 invariant mass distribution  invariant mass: invmass between the prong and all neutrals combined. Geometry width( ,MeV) # accept Gldapr Gldprim J4ldc No significant difference.  0 invariant mass: event with >=2 neutrals (if >2 neutrals, nearest neutrals are combined till 2 neutrals rest.) Geometry width(s,MeV) # accept Gldapr Gldprim J4ldc Better performance in gldapr08!

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 13 Tau A pol expected result e - R beam:  + R is increased e - L beam:  + L is increased If we choose the beam polarization, large  polarization should be observed.

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 14 Flat  + distribution in  + ->  + decay –No  polarization in generator Edge enhancement of  + dist. in  + ->  +  0 –Polarization of  is observed Tau A pol result  + dist. in  + ->  + decay  + dist. in  + ->  +  0 decay

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 15 Overview –Physics processes for detector optimization –Analysis framework (Jupiter/Marlin) Tau-pair analysis –Analysis overview and flow –A FB analysis –A pol analysis including  and  0 reconstruction SUSY analysis –Smuon/neutralino mass determination Plans & Summary

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page fb -1 smuon (point 1), chargino and neutralino (point 5) events are generated for SUSY analysis Currently only smuon events are analyzed. Generator input (point 1): –Smuon mass: GeV –LSP Neutralino mass: GeV SUSY masses are determined by fitting of the muon energy distribution (error function × poly (6 th ) + gaussian) Cut is the same as TILC08 (Yoshioka-san) Smuon mass determination

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 17 Smuon/neutralino mass fit Geometrypol.smuon mass[GeV]neutralino mass[GeV] Generator Gldapr08left ± ±0.37 Gldapr08right ± ±0.17 Gldprimleft ± ±0.33 Gldprimright ± ±0.16 J4ldcleft ± ±0.37 J4ldcright ± ±0.15

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 18 Overview –Physics processes for detector optimization –Analysis framework (Jupiter/Marlin) Tau-pair analysis –Analysis overview and flow –A FB analysis –A pol analysis including  and  0 reconstruction SUSY analysis –Smuon/neutralino mass determination Plans & Summary

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 19 Tau-pair analysis –Angular distribution in polarized tau samples –Obtain A pol –Compare performance on A pol measurements –Quantitatively estimate the relation between performance and detector parameters SUSY analysis –Better fitting with no deviation to input masses –Chargino and neutralino analysis (benchmark process)Plans

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 20 Physics analyses are important for detector optimization. Tau-pair and SUSY analysis are ongoing. GLD-like geometry gives better performance in  0 reconstruction (mainly because of the detector size). No tau polarization is included in current data samples, must be implemented. Result of sumon mass fit is a little heavier than generator parameter.Summary

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 21 Backup

Taikan Suehara, ECFA08, Warsaw, 2008/06/11 page 22 Generator info  + dist. in  + ->  + decay  + dist. in  + ->  +  0 decay