Independent t-tests Uses a sampling distribution of differences between means 1
The test statistic for independent samples t-tests Recall the general form of the test statistic for t-tests: Recall the test statistic for the single sample t-test… Horizontal axis value = sample mean Distribution mean = mean of distribution of sample means Distribution SD = SD of distribution of sample means 1 2 3
So how about the independent samples t- test? The test statistic for independent samples t-tests Horizontal axis value = ? 1
So how about the independent samples t- test? The test statistic for independent samples t-tests Horizontal axis value = difference between 2 sample means 1
So how about the independent samples t- test? The test statistic for independent samples t-tests Distribution mean = ? 1 2
So how about the independent samples t- test? The test statistic for independent samples t-tests SD of sampling distribution = ? 1 1
the SD of the distribution of differences between 2 sample means So how about the independent samples t- test? The test statistic for independent samples t-tests SD of sampling distribution = ? 1
On the SD of the distribution: Look at the SD (SE M ) in more detail Where: 1
What affects significance? Mean difference With larger observed difference between two sample means, it is less likely that the observed difference in sample means is attributable to random sampling error Sample size With larger samples, it is less likely that the observed difference in sample means is attributable to random sampling error Sample SD: With reduced variability among the cases in each sample, it is less likely that the observed difference in sample means is attributable to random sampling error See applet: 1
d of f for the test statistic The d of f changes from the one- sample case comparing two independent means becomes If the 2 groups are of equal size 1
Reporting t-test in text Descriptive statistics for the time to exhaustion for the two diet groups are presented in Table 1 and graphically in Figure 1. A t-test for independent samples indicated that the 44.2 ( 2.9) minute time to exhaustion for the CHO group was significantly longer than the 38.9 ( 3.5) minutes for the regular diet group (t 18 = , p 0.05). This represents a 1.1% increase in time to exhaustion with the CHO supplementation diet. Should also consider whether the difference is meaningful – see effect sizes, later 1
Reporting t-test in table Descriptives of time to exhaustion (in minutes) for the 2 diets. Note: * indicates significant difference, p 0.05 GroupnMeanSD Reg Diet1038.9*3.54 CHO sup
Reporting t-test graphically Figure 1. Mean time to exhaustion with different diets. 1
Reporting t-test graphically Figure 1. Mean time to exhaustion with different diets. 1
Summary/Assumptions of the independent t-test Use when the assumption of no correlation between the samples is valid Don’t test for it…just examine whether the assumption is fair Use when the two samples have similar variation (SD) Test for in output (see next few slides) 1 2
t-tests in SPSS First note the data format: one continuous variable (in this case, age) 1
t-tests in SPSS Second, run the procedure: drag the test variable over and specify μ 1
t-tests in SPSS Third, check the output: N, Mean, SD, SE M significance (if α =.05, then <.05 is significant) df = n-1 =
independent-tests in SPSS First, check the data: One grouping variable One test variable 1
independent-tests in SPSS Second, run the procedure: 1
independent-tests in SPSS Second, run the procedure: 1. slide variables over 2. click “define groups” 3. define groups 1 2
independent-tests in SPSS Third, examine the output: N, Mean, SD, SE M test for equal variances (>.05 is good) significance (if α =.05, then <.05 is significant)