Inclusive Jets in the Breit Frame in Deep- Inelastic Scattering T. Schörner-Sadenius, J. Standage ZEUS QCD Review Meeting DESY, 05 February 2004
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets2 Outline Introduction The measurement Lots of control-like plots … without too many words … The correction function problem Summary
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets3 Introduction Repetition of inclusive jets analysis in the Breit frame performed by Oscar Gonzalez in data from 96/97. Q 2 > 125 GeV 2, jets cut in Breit only (E T >8, from –2 to 1.8). Single-differential cross-sections in E T, Q 2, lab. Extraction of strong coupling Compared with the old measurement at least factor 3 in lumi increase of statistical precision. In addition maybe new ideas on parameter extraction? New Analysis performed by Jeff Standage and TSS (second analysis – if ever there really is a difference ;-) ) …
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets4 80-90pb-1 in data from 1998 to Trigger selection: DST bit 12 (Q 2 > 80 GeV 2 ) Event selection: >0 Sinistra candidates Q 2 > 125 GeV 2 -0.7 < cos had < 0.5 Ee’ > 10 GeV y el 0.04 40 < E-pz < 70 -50 < zvtx < 50; chivtx < 10. p T /sqrt(E T ) < 2.5 … The measurement See also Jeff’s presentation in Warsaw Jet Selection inclusive kT algorithm on mass -less zufos in Breit frame. jet energy correction (Jeff); values obtained this far very similar to Oscar’s. Some cleaning cuts (veto for events with jets close to electron / with backward jets) E T Breit > 8 GeV, E T lab > 2.5 GeV -2 < Breit < 1.8
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets5 JS and TSS use standard Orange job; Data: DST bit selection MC: no selection at all, hadron level information from some version of get_hadsys (how many different are around?) the origin of “correction function problem” (see later)? “Offline” selection: JS: fortran based, standard boost and jet algo routines TSS: based on ROOT, boost and jet algo borrowed from (different) sources … .. After some long fights with cuts and the order in which cuts are applied (before/after corrections) etc.: Complete agreement on 20k MC test sample (except for one event which suffers from different precisions in fortran and ROOT/C++). Analysis Setups Nice complementarity
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets6 Q2Q2 Q2Q2 yy E-p z xx Kinematics Good agreement data-MC (normalised to 1) Electron methodDA method
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets7 The Electron Good agreement pTpT E thetaphi
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets8 Calibration and technicalities Seems to be okay p Tmiss prl p Tmiss p Tmiss perp p Tbal
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets9 Zufos, zvtx Nice description of data pTpT etaphi N E zvtx
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets10 Selected Jets (lab) Agreement okay? Distributions in Breit similar. Also reasonable on linear scale. Number of jets? pTpT etaN E
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets11 Q2Q2 ETET lab Breit Q2Q2 ETET lab Breit Correction Functions … this is where the problems start … Uncorrected jetsCorrected jets
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets12 Migrations … nothing unusual … Efficiencies and purities (or stabilities) basically everywhere okay. Values between 40 and 90%. These corrections are observed with two different MC samples, two different get_hadsys methods and two different offline analyses … Any idea where it could come from? Q2Q2 ETET Breit lab
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets13 Final Distributions normalized to unity Shapes data / det. level MC compare well … Hadron level …? Q2Q2 lab ETET Breit
DESY, 05/02/2004TSS: Inclusive Jets14 Conclusions Repetition of inclusive jet analysis should in principle be straight forward. The detector level seems understood – nice agreement between data and MC for basically all relevant quantities. However, very large correction functions are observed, which one would not expect judging from the previous analysis. Juan will run his code over our MC … looking very much forward to hearing from him! Aim / Hope: … to still make it for a preliminary for DIS Jeff should be back at DESY soon.