Whatever the Weather Lesson 14
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I am going to say three words. Messmommy I hear /m/ at the beginning of those words. Now listen as I say the words again.
Tell me the beginning sound in these pictures
What is the word for these three sounds? dipdip Put the first two sounds together dip Now all together dip
What is the word for these three sounds? pitpit Put the first two sounds together pit Now all together pit
What is the word for these three sounds? kidkid Put the first two sounds together kid Now all together kid
What word do these letters make? tiptip If I put an s instead of a t what word would I have? sip
Lets blend words together! sap This word is sap If I change the p to d. What word did we make? sad
Lets blend words together! sad This word is sad If I change the s to p. What word did we make? pad
Lets blend words together! pad This word is pad If I change the d to t. What word did we make? pat
Lets blend words together! pat This word is pat If I change the a to i. What word did we make? pit
Lets blend words together! pit This word is pit If I change the p to k. What word did we make? kit
Lets blend words together! kit This word is kit If I change the k to s. What word did we make? sit
Lets blend words together! sit This word is sit If I change the i to a. What word did we make? sat
Now we are going to read a sentence. Here is the sentence.
Sit in the.
Let’s turn to page 15 In our practice book.
Say the words as they come on the screen.
Say the words as they come on the screen me
I want you to make up a sentence using the word where. Where is the rabbit? Where are you going? Your turn!
“Winter Lullaby” The details in a story are the small parts in the words and pictures that help us understand the story. Let’s look at page 22. The picture and sentence on this page show and tell details about what ducks do when winter arrives. What do they do? Read story
Robust Vocabulary Arrives If you arrive somewhere, you have just came to that place.
Robust Vocabulary Creeps When something creeps, it moves very slowly along the ground.
Robust Vocabulary Nestle When you nestle, you snuggle up next to something or someone.
Great job! Now it is Station Time!