● about Marie Curie about Marie Curie ● explain the title explain the title ● theme of the text theme of the text ● writing features of the text writing features of the text
Born 7 November 1867 Warsaw, Vistula Land, Russian Empire Died 4 July 1934 (aged 66) Passy, Haute-Savoie, France Passy, Haute-Savoie CitizenshipRussian, later French NationalityPolish Fieldsphysicsphysics, chemistrychemistry InstitutionsUniversity of Paris Alma mater University of Paris ESPCI Doctoral advisorHenri Becquerel Doctoral students Andr é -Louis Debierne Ó scar Moreno Marguerite Catherine Perey
Known for radioactivityradioactivity, polonium, radiumpolonium radium Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physics (1903) Davy Medal (1903) Matteucci Medal (1904) Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911) Notes She is the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two sciences. She was the wife of Pierre Curie, and the mother of Ir è ne Joliot-Curie and È ve Curie.Pierre Curie
As a woman born in 1867 in Poland, Marie Sklodowska Curie had a steep hill to climb in her pursuit of her passion for science. She stands among the greatest scientists of all time—male or female. Certainly, she stands tallest as a role model for generations of young women who followed in her footsteps, pursuing careers in scien+tific research.
※ Derived from a love of nature and science, Madame Curie conquered huge professional obstacles, thus she became well known and highly respected all over the world. ※ derived from a love of life and husband, she continued to finish their own career. But the death of husband was a severe shock, so when she said “I want to talk to you in the silence oh this laboratory, where I didn't think I could live without you", which deeply impresses us.
Marie Curie’s life---- truly glorious and tragic
※ Well-knit structure: part I: why to idolize Marie Curie. Part II: major events to support view. Part III: writer’s assessment of heroine’s life---truly glorious and tragic. ※ Language: objective descriptive argumentative
there's a scene in which actress Greer Garson, as Marie, stirs a boiling vat, her face glistening with sweat. Late at night, Marie and her husband enter the lab to see a tiny...in a dish. "oh, Pierre! Could it be?"....
【 “ 成功之花,人们往往惊羡它现时的明艳, 然而当初,它的芽儿却浸透了奋斗的泪泉, 洒满了牺牲的血雨。 ” 冰心】
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