R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct The Never-Ending Dream of Mankind: The Theory of Everything (TOE) Ruprecht Machleidt Department of Physics University of Idaho
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct The history of the quest for an all-embracing explanation of the world based upon REASONING and not based upon religion or mythology. In short: a comprehensive scientific explanation of the universe. What is this colloquium about?
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct When and where was the first attempt made? Why? The ideas of the ancient Greeks - from Thales to Democritus - Plato The TOE of modern physics Outline
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Egypt Meso pota mia India China B.C. 600 B.C. Miletus 600 B.C.
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Miletus 600 B.C. Thales of Miletus B.C. “Theorem by Thales”
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct The seven sages Thales of Miletos Cleobulos of Rhodos Bias of Priene Pittacos of Mytilene Solon of Athens Periandros Chilon of Lacedaimon Thales
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Why did it happen at that time and place? Many cultures, races, languages: “the Greek genius was catalyzed by Egyptian and Asiatic ferments.” Greek religion was a lose collection of cults and myths No established priesthood or clergy No strong political power Warm/pleasant climate, fertile environment, thriving commercial port The sea and its liberating and inspiring influence
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Ionia Ephesus Miletus Athens
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct The Ionians: What is THE Primary Element? “APEIRON”
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Ionia Ephesus Miletus
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct ONE Primary Element from which everything else is generated by transformations There is only THE BEING: all-pervading, never changing. Changes are sensory deceptions. 4 Elements
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Ionia Ephesus Miletus
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct ONE Primary Element from which everything else is generated by transformations There is only THE BEING: all-pervading, never changing. Changes are sensory deceptions. ATOMS : indivisible, unchangeable (‘THE BEING’). Variety of phenomena : variations in arrangement and movement of atoms. critus
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct ATOMS : They come in infinitely many sizes and shapes! 4 atoms 4 elements 4 polyhedra
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Plato’s theory of “elementary particles”
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Anaximander Pythagoras Heraclitus Parmenides
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Anaximander Pythagoras Heraclitus Parmenides Plato Aristotle
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Interest in basic science Thales Plato Aristotle Democritus
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Science in the Middle Ages based upon Aristotle, religion, and mysticism
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Interest in basic science
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Interest in basic science
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Turns away from Aristotle; revives atomism of Democritus (and Epicurus). Chemical elements in the modern sense The chemical elements represented by ATOMS 1 p p n n quarks
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Mathem. Symmetry SU(N) Symmetries of Polyhedra Plato, 350 B.C. Today AD 2000
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Conclusions The quest for a theory of everything has challenged the greatest intellects for almost three millennia. We have seen enormous progress during the past century. The best ideas of the antiquity (Democritus, Plato) have been confirmed in modern days. Mathematical structures (“Symmetries”) are the foundation of modern particles physics, an idea that was already advanced by Plato. The ultimate theory of everything will be Platonic.
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct The End
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct Interest in basic science
R. MachleidtNever-Endiing Dream: TOE UI Colloq 11-Oct