Choose an activity by clicking on the labels Slide 2 – Vocabulary. Elicit from sts what they see in the pictures. Notice there are some highlighted images so as to show some details. Click on the mouse to reveal answers. Slide 3 – Vocabulary. Ask sts to work in groups and come up with as many words as possible by rearranging the letters in “Christmas tree”. Click on the mouse to make it a bit more challenging and ask them to find the words listed. As the idea here is to focus on collaboration and fun, accept any answers which are correct, even if they are outside the list given. Give feedback on the accuracy of the words. Slides 4/5 – Conversation. Tell sts to discuss the questions in groups of three or four. Discuss ideas as a whole group.
Slide 6 – Game Sts choose one student to sit in front of the board (so that the board stays behind him/her); Click on the to go to Google Images; then, google a specific present such as rollerblades, a tablet etc. The rest of the class give the boy/girl tips so that he can find out what present he received. They cannot say the name of the present or use any words that would be too obvious. Encourage students to use relative pronouns when giving out tips.