How to Make a Technical Poster Summer Internship Programs July 09
July 2009 How to Make a Technical Poster What & Why Overview Poster Layout & Formatting Tips Materials & Set up LBNL Poster Tour Poster Session
July 2009 Your Time to Shine
July 2009 How do I… Draw attention Present my work Explain it Make them understand
July 2009 Interact
July 2009 Show and Tell
July 2009 Overview The top of the poster should consist of an easy-to-read and easy to understand title that includes author(s) name(s). The title lettering should be about 2” to 3” with subheadings ½” to 1” high. All lettering should be legible from about 5 feet away. The appropriate type size for text should be 24 points. The component parts should be organized in a way that leads the viewer through the display. Colored matting can be very effective. Leave some open space in the design. Use elements of different size and proportions. Convert tabular material to graphic display, if possible.
July 2009 Overview Use combination of upper- and lower-case letters. Do not use all caps. Make illustrations simple and bold. Enlarge photos to show pertinent details clearly. All illustrations, graphs and pictures should have their own attached explanations. Displayed materials should be self-explanatory, freeing you for discussion. Handouts of your abstract should be available for interested viewers. Do not include demonstrations of experiments or three- dimensional displays. You will be given space for just your poster.
July 2009 Layout of Poster Concise text (<50%) ¼ inch type size (24 / 36pt. font) Title - up to 90 pt and BOLD in Arial, Georgia, Palatino Linotype or Tahoma font Headers - 60 – 72 pt and BOLD in Arial, Georgia, Palatino Linotype or Tahoma font Internal text pt in Georgia or Palatino Linotype font Arrange sections in columns
July 2009 Layout of Poster CSEE logo – tif format, most prominent, upper left DOE logo – jpeg format, upper right Logo of any funding source or Division, if needed, upper right, to left of DOE logo If necessary, make the DOE logo slightly smaller in order to fit other logos in upper right corner
July 2009 Layout -- Eye Movement The movement of the eye should be natural: This layout also assists with traffic flow at the poster session
July 2009 Do not… lotsandlotsofwordscanbeabigdistractionthatwilll oseyouraudiencesoyouwanttobesurethatyoudo notputtoo DON’T LOSE YOUR AUDIENCE WITH TOO MUCH TEXTmuchtextbecauseitis sodistractingthatnoonehastimetotalktoyouandb esidesthewholepointoftheposterpresentationist hatyoutalkaboutwhatyoulearnedanddiscoveredi nyourworksokeepthatinmindasyouputtogethery ourpostersothatyoucandoyourbestandappearas smartasyouactuallyare…
July 2009 Colors Background and print should be in contrasting colors: A light background and dark print work well A dark background and light print work well A dark background and dark print do NOT work well A light background and light print do NOT work well
July 2009 Color is an efficient and effective way to draw attention (But don’t overdo it…) Color
July 2009 Materials & Set Up 4’ x 4’ (48” x 48”) panel space Arranged in rows Poster attached with Velcro Laminate (optional) Poster tubes (provided by CSEE)
July 2009 LBNL Poster Tour When viewing ask yourself: What is this poster about (and was it easy to find out)? Is it easy to follow (do I know where to look next)? Are there elements in this poster I want to incorporate in my own? Are there elements I definitely do not want in my poster? Why is this [not] an effective poster?
July 2009 The Poster Session ?
July 2009 Poster Session ACTS, IISME, BLIPS Date:August 5, 2009 Time:2 PM – 6 PM Location – Bldg. 54, Cafeteria Main Dining Room 2:00 – 2:45Poster board set-up 2:45 – 3:30Presenters set up poster presentations 3:30 – 5:30Poster Presentations to Public and Lab Discussions with presenters Refreshments 5:30 – 6:00Break down of posters
July 2009 Poster Session BLUR, CCI, IISME, FaST, PST, SULI Date:August 11, 2009 Time:2 PM – 6 PM Location – Bldg. 54, Cafeteria Main Dining Room 2:00 – 2:45Poster board set-up 2:45 – 3:30Presenters set up poster presentations 3:30 – 5:30Poster Presentations to Public and Lab Discussions with presenters Refreshments 5:30 – 6:00Break down of posters