Do Now: Examine the Political Cartoon -What do you see in it? -Give the cartoon a ‘Title’


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now: Examine the Political Cartoon -What do you see in it? -Give the cartoon a ‘Title’

Examine the joint timeline With your partner, choose 1 side – Berlin & Germany or Cold War Summarize each event on your timeline using 10 words or less

Choose the most important event from each timeline… Berlin & Germany The Cold War

Examine the handout Use the map to answer Doc # 1 Use the chart from Doc # 2 to answer questions 1 - 5

EconomicSocialPolitical Western Democracies - NATO People own business & make a profit Citizens have freedom, rights & independence People vote for leaders & representatives. Many political parties exist Communist Countries – Warsaw Pact Gov’t owns all business & property. People lack basic rights: speech, religion, press 1 political party, Communist, controls all government functions. Ruled by dictatorships

Which system would you prefer to live in? Why?